What is a new movement item that minecraft should add?
Like any movement hehe, i wanna see your ridiculous ideas
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the FLOTATO from the April fools update and maybe a teleportation block that only works in the END. anywhere else it would blow up

rideable spiders, make their legs longer so it would look like the spider can handle player weight
No arachnophobia warning needed, we love spiders now
No arachnophobia warning needed, we love spiders now

What would you envision happening with wall and ceiling climbing?

Probably an upgraded minecraft animation mechanic

Yes, likely, but I was asking how you saw the mechanic working for the riding player (i.e. would a spider on the ceiling be upsidedown with the player 'hanging' from the saddle? )

a snail that you can ride

Taming winged mobs. especially in the end

Modders take note:
1) [Minor] Ender pearl arrows (works like an ender pearl but with better aiming [aims like a bow &b arrow])
2) A viable underwater mount. AFAIK skelton horses can't go up other than via bubble column or traversing the seafloor. Something that could swim upward would be a useful (if niche) addition. Also allowing saddkes to be enchanted with Water Breathing. (Possibly other enchantments as well?)
3? Inchoate idea: saddles that can be enchanted and provide the beneifits to both mount and rider (Might need some limitations, This idea just sprung forth wile writing #2)
1) [Minor] Ender pearl arrows (works like an ender pearl but with better aiming [aims like a bow &b arrow])
2) A viable underwater mount. AFAIK skelton horses can't go up other than via bubble column or traversing the seafloor. Something that could swim upward would be a useful (if niche) addition. Also allowing saddkes to be enchanted with Water Breathing. (Possibly other enchantments as well?)
3? Inchoate idea: saddles that can be enchanted and provide the beneifits to both mount and rider (Might need some limitations, This idea just sprung forth wile writing #2)

maybe a.. sea horse?

Preferably the heraldic version IMO:

PD image from 1909 Fox-Davies

PD image from 1909 Fox-Davies

Player launchers
It would force mojang to implement an easy quick to use way to apply precise player motion, Instead of using pre-made libraries.
(So I want it for the technical changes it'd bring :3)
Though I also would like to see some kind of floater block similar to that of the late april fools update, It was kinda cool and with a bit of tweaks I could see it working in game
It would force mojang to implement an easy quick to use way to apply precise player motion, Instead of using pre-made libraries.
(So I want it for the technical changes it'd bring :3)
Though I also would like to see some kind of floater block similar to that of the late april fools update, It was kinda cool and with a bit of tweaks I could see it working in game