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three times the cheese moves sideways to Switzerland. but he could never learn to tap-dance, -Darwin Watterson, King Of The Fishes.

a form of cheese

Checkers but with spears (spears are cool)

a guy who bought tiktok

A super intelligent walking potato.

here potato


Anyone here play chess?

I used to play Chess Titans.
Man I remember those days. I would always loose a game against the CPU because I suck a Chess and I know nothing about it lol.

Man I remember those days. I would always loose a game against the CPU because I suck a Chess and I know nothing about it lol.

Never played that one [I think] although it looks similar to something I remember from c.1990…

It first came out to Windows Vista in 2007 and then again on Windows 7 in 2009.

Not chess, but I'm pretty big on checkers!

I have an account on chess.com if anyone would like to play with me sometime
Not very good at it tho still a noob
Not very good at it tho still a noob

Yes, several versions in addition to modern tourney standard / mad queens

i play chess

Chess is a two-player board game played on an 8x8 grid with alternating dark and light squares, using 12 pieces per player placed on the dark squares of the first three rows closest to them. Players take turns moving their pieces diagonally forward, aiming to capture their opponent’s pieces by jumping over them to an empty square. If a piece reaches the farthest row from its starting position, it is queened and gains the ability to move both forward and backward diagonally. The game ends when one player captures all of the opponent's pieces or blocks all possible moves.


After the first sentence he switches to describing checkers, not a likely mistake for an "AI' (although I agree the sentences look to have been copy/pasted)

This is not reddit this is planet minecraft

A mindless game prioritizing reflex speed and hand/eye coordination.


chest without a t


It's the hardest mathematical problem ever