What (minecraft)animals do you often raising?

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My sister made this huge chicken pen in our survival world and my sister wouldn't let me kill them

creaking n crunching army with all the mobs in the game including wardens and future mobs too. (TOTALLY REAL ANIMALS)

I would raise a capybara army

Cows for a primary food source, However besides the basic mobs I always find myself raising Foxes, Turtles and dogs.


What ise do you make of them?

idk, I just like camels

hundreds of dogs. yeah i do that

u are making an army?

i am.

Limiting the options to animals (as distinct from mobs without IRL farm equivalent)…
Chickens is likely the most common because of easy transport (in egg form) to set up farms, the ability of fully automate chicken farming, and the need for feathers for book&quill production.
(Cows – as the best source of leather – would likely be second).
{Also sheep for wool, but that doesn't – strictly speaking – involve "raising" any but the first generation once one has an iron farm.}
Chickens is likely the most common because of easy transport (in egg form) to set up farms, the ability of fully automate chicken farming, and the need for feathers for book&quill production.
(Cows – as the best source of leather – would likely be second).
{Also sheep for wool, but that doesn't – strictly speaking – involve "raising" any but the first generation once one has an iron farm.}

Phantoms (totally real)
Phantoms (totally real)

*Originality left the chat*

iron golems

Hmmm, out of those options, I tend to go for cows first, sometimes sheep.
But unlisted, I often have an overwhelming amount of cats and dogs.
In my current world, I don't have cats yet, but I have so many dogs that my frame rate is really slow in certain areas.
But unlisted, I often have an overwhelming amount of cats and dogs.
In my current world, I don't have cats yet, but I have so many dogs that my frame rate is really slow in certain areas.