What natural disaster do you think you (personally) have the best chance of surviving in?poll
were going off of which you think youd do best in in comparison to others, not which one everyone does best in.
were going off of which you think youd do best in in comparison to others, not which one everyone does best in.
Poll ended 11/27/2024 12:31 am.
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assuming I can pick the intensity, these things can get very weak so.....
assuming I can pick the intensity, these things can get very weak so.....

poll ended 3 months ago but alr alr reasonable (saying this as someone who chose hurricane just because i was in hurricane harvey 7 years ago hehehe)

loll it looks likk it says tomato

...i guess..?

ya me too lmao ;)

Anything other than a flood or a tsunami (i'm just teleporting away)

Thanks, everyone, for voting! It seems that most people do best in a tornado, which was completely expected, but I didn't expect 20% of the votes to be on wildfires...Actually...I might have. I don't remember. Anyways, thanks to all 10 of you who voted!

For water-based natural disasters, I always have the high ground

Earthquake: I could survive, property damage...
Hurricane: Mental damage
Tornado: Easy survival, property damage...
Flood: I can barely swim
Tsunami: N/A (I don't live near a coast0
Volcanic Eruption: I can't know about this for sure.
Wildfire: I live near a forest, so probably not.
Hurricane: Mental damage
Tornado: Easy survival, property damage...
Flood: I can barely swim
Tsunami: N/A (I don't live near a coast0
Volcanic Eruption: I can't know about this for sure.
Wildfire: I live near a forest, so probably not.

Bu- wood burn- Huh?

what? what are yousayi ng

But I have survived Hurricane Harvey so imma change my vote to hurricane as I've already been through a big one :b

I simply picked based on the one I knew most about how to survive :p I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to tornadoes sooo

Earthquake, I would probably do best in that situation, Depending on where it would happen, would change my choice.

My sister would probably do best in an earthquake, too.

Of those listed, "Tornado" has both the most localized area of effect and is most easily countered.

okay? thats not what were going off of. were going off of which you think youd do best in in comparison to others, not which one everyone does best in.