only give wrong answers
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/give @p elytra
/gamemode sp
Why bother
crouch at all times
quit the game
Use all of your emeralds to create emerald blocks to cheat your way through and then get killed by another cheater
Here have my emerald for your blocks
Beat the enderdragon
Get lava and jump in
Delete it
tnt go BOOOM!!!!
Get into creative and fly thought the map.
Sprint-jump from platform to platform without stopping.
Oh damn that's the right answer
Oh damn that's the right answer
Sprint by double tapping the W key
i do it!
Try the Ctrl key for at least one parkour session, it’ll change your life. As soon as I started using Ctrl, parkour became so much easier.
just tried it and it makes you instantly sprint so thanks
Yes, ctrl is life changing
i get it now!