Who is the best mob vote winner?

Ketupur1/16/25 12:02 pm
1/29/2025 4:02 am
Which one of all the mobs that won mob vote is the best?

Phantom (why people even voted for this)
Glow squid (we know whose fault it is)
Allay (THE BEST!!!)
Sniffer (people wanted more plants but got nothing, the other 2 options were better and I was hoping this one would lose)
Armadillo (Crab 😭)

Poll ended 01/23/2025 12:02 pm.

Posted by
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Warrior

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01/20/2025 2:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
phantoms because if you play le mining game and don't live underground like a sleep deprived dwarf you're just not doing it right
01/19/2025 1:43 pm
Level 42 : Master Vampire Nether Knight
The allay is just a living redstone component. The phantom adds more reasons to actually sleep. The others are decoration
01/19/2025 12:53 pm
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Spider Rider Cupcake
Llama is the best mob vote winner
01/18/2025 9:17 pm
They/Them • Level 1 : New Explorer
cant believe im the only one that chose the phantom
01/19/2025 1:27 pm
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Procrastinator
My brothers in phantom
01/18/2025 7:29 pm
She/Her • Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
The Allay is my personal favorite mob vote winner, but I also always really liked the phantom when it came out despite how annoying they can be to deal with

Also, as much as I was bitter at the glow squid for beating out the moobloom the design has really grown on me, and the sniffer is literally a dinosaur so I couldn't NOT want that in the game

I do wish we got the crab though, I like the armadillos but I feel like having some sort of crustacean in the game would be so much cooler than having yet another passive mammal
01/18/2025 6:33 pm
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Honestly? None of them.

Armadillo? Only won cause of doggie armour, which honestly doggie armour doesn't fix anything, it's their pathfinding what gets them kilt. Not their health.
Also penguins would've been stellar for cold biomes.

Right now LITERALLY all we got is polar bears, and maybe snowy foxes but he's a retexture of other foxes.
Penguins also could've shared the spawning places of polar bears on the icebergs, Only thing on icebergs are bears, it's bears all the way down.

Sniffer? Makes awful, gross, groaning noises every 2.5 seconds, so can't even keep them as pets, the 2 new flowers or whatever are like fine but when they said it's bringing 'ancient plants' I expected new fruits, maybe something akin to melons/pumpkins/cocoa beans where it grew from a source block over time.

Allay is actually a fantastic mob, it's new it's fresh. New mechanic, it's cute, and makes cute noises too, follows you around. Almost as good as being tameable, Literally so many uses in redstone machines. Though I still would've liked the iceologer to win out, we have witches in huts. We should have ice wizards in their tower studies, it would've been rad as heck! B)

I do think the name did it a disservice though, like sorry but 'iceologer'??? Like excuse me what? Is that contagious?! Oh come on MOJANG! nobody's gonna want something that sounds like a medical condition winning.. Should've called it an ice-witch or frost-elemental or something better.

Glowsquid sucks, that's it, they suck, can't even glow like proper so what's the point? Give us the flower cow. ( MOO! )

Phantoms look like manta-rays, I've said this since day one of their concept art, they should live underwater not patrol the skies.
The snatcher (I think it was called) that looked like a menacing sea monster that was said to seek out players in boats and drag them under was literally so so cool! But no.... No everyone wanted the flying menace to win, because haha haha flying overworld monster haha we're so funny guys haha.

(Sorry, got a little too silly again, but anyways these are just my thoughts ofc, which are obviously wrong as not a single one of my votes made it into the game)
01/18/2025 7:33 pm
He/Him • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn Lego Builder
This is a fair argument, though at this point, Mojang should focus on adding more real life mobs, something that actually makes sense for once, and smooth stone stairs
01/18/2025 7:48 pm
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
I want more bunnies personally, give us flemish giants, give us english lops, give us the fluffiest lionhead bunnies ever. <3

Or snails, snails would be cool. But like make them like axolotls or tropical fishes where they come in lots of fun colours.
01/18/2025 6:17 pm
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Procrastinator
Phantom: Pretty cool (i am not biased at all) but not that important
Glowsquid: ❌
Allay: Also pretty cool, doesn't have that many uses for most people
Sniffer: He chill
Armadillo: Adds some nice variety but not that important either
01/17/2025 9:59 pm
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Spider Rider Cupcake
Allays are useless
01/18/2025 1:47 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Warrior
01/18/2025 11:54 am
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Spider Rider Cupcake
Don't deny the truth, they're literally just moving shulkers or bundles
01/19/2025 2:43 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Warrior
Then what do you think was better?
01/18/2025 5:47 pm
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
*cough they're literally non-stackable item sorters *cough cough*

I rest my case.
01/18/2025 6:09 pm
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Spider Rider Cupcake
Hoppers can do the same thing with just some ingots, chest, and some non stackable items instead of finding a pillager outpost
01/18/2025 7:21 pm
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Suppose you have an incoming item stream filled with assorted drops from your average monster farm, it's filled with loads of rubbish, it's got bows, stone swords, broken armour of all kinds, shovels, the whole works! But let's say for this project you're only interested in picking out the bows, how do you do it?

Well if I'm right, your method of sorting non-stackables works based off power levels. Non-stackables emit a higher power level from a comparator than stackables do, so it seems like a nice way to go about it.

But there's a problem with this approach, every single non-stackable in the game emits the same exact power level, so while you're sorting out stackables from non-stackables you're still not picking out the bows from the stream, it's closer yes, less trash yes, but after the sorting's done you still have to go in manually and pick out the bows from your now less-trashy trash pile.

But what if there was a better way? What if you didn't have to rely on power levels at all and could just look at the item you want to sort out and say "hey, any time you come across this item pick it up"?

Well, that's precisely what an allay does, you give it a bow, flow the item stream next to it and it picks up the bows from the stream! Incredible! Of course you'll need a noteblock playing beside it to let the allay know to drop the bows, but it works, and is honestly really really simple to setup.

Like yes there's ways to sort armour from the stream using complicated armour-stand dispenser setups, or maybe you want potions from the occasional witch and so you use brewing stands or books with bookshelves, but what happens when you want to sort something that has no designated sorting method? Something that doesn't have a magical block-mechanic to exploit?

What if you want to sort out axolotl buckets, I mean no one would realistically need to sort these, but just think about it, there isn't a way at all to sort them without allays.
01/17/2025 9:49 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Goblin Nerd
If the votes went my way it would have been Mob D, Alligator/Panda, Mountains, Iceloger (although idk what i would do without glowing signs), Allay, Sniffer, and the Penguin. I like the Penguin because a common complaint is that we don't have enough transportation (also they dance), and I like the Sniffers because I mean come on just look at them. The Rascal is cool too but let's be honest it would probably just give us iron tools and maybe some new wood type lmao
01/18/2025 1:48 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Warrior
But sniffer doesn't even give anything useful and iron tools would at least help you in early game
01/18/2025 5:29 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Goblin Nerd
flowers are used for decoration, and iron tools can already be found as a common item in mineshaft loot chests, where rascals are found. since you need to chase down rascals you would likely come across at least 3 chests on the way.
01/19/2025 2:41 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Warrior
Tuff golem was also for decoration
01/19/2025 4:29 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Goblin Nerd
True, but it is a little boring don't you think? It's just an item frame. And the sniffer's a literal dinosaur lol
01/17/2025 9:17 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob Slime Tamer
Come on, I hated worrying about my dog dying, that's why I liked wolf armor.
01/20/2025 2:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
dogs always get in the way and sometimes get me in tight situations, giving them armor just makes it harder for me to kill them (very bad feature)
01/19/2025 1:27 pm
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Procrastinator
I never have dogs..
01/19/2025 2:45 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Warrior
If you worry about your dog then leave it at home
01/19/2025 11:58 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob Slime Tamer
I'm doing that right now in my survival world because there's no savanna or badlands near me lol
01/17/2025 6:43 pm
He/Him • Level 12 : Journeyman Cat
a lot of the ones that lost where better then the ones that won
01/16/2025 12:29 pm
Level 20 : Expert Explorer
I agree that the ally is the best one that was added in. Yes, there were better options that were rejected (crab amongst others).
01/16/2025 12:08 pm
He/Him • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn Lego Builder
The allay almost has a biggest potential in Minecraft history to be not just a simple item picker mob, it's like being almost there, but never quite there

Maybe if Mojang hires me or accepts my idea, dunno where to post some suggestions though
01/17/2025 9:50 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Goblin Nerd
01/16/2025 12:16 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Warrior
Sniffer had a potential, but they just added 2 plants that can do nothing except for being turned into a dye.
Allay's potential is mostly used in xp farms that spawn silverfishes...
01/20/2025 2:27 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
minecraft needs to add irl-accurate foraging
