Who would win? the United States Marines or North Korea?

PrimRiper1/17/25 12:43 pm
1/23/2025 9:34 pm
The United States Marines are highly trained, and The United States spends tons of money on the military And rumors around the world say on how ruthless the marines are, But in North Korea, they show karate and the Fact that they Don’t get paid and have low morale And very brutal training means that if you try to fight the Americans, the only thing that will be effective is nukes
That is Why The United States military have not taken action Against the horrible conditions in North Korea. But If we know where to hit them, we can easily swipe them Through.
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Level 13 : Journeyman Collective

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01/23/2025 5:19 am
Level 21 : Expert Network Architect
I'm not sure what karate has to do with Korea, that's Japanese. But to answer your question, I think it's good to refer to the Korean War and the circumstances that surrounded that which led to "North" Korea's loss. Ultimately, thinking about wiping people out isn't a good mentality for resolving problems, case in point, the brutalities of the Korean War.
01/23/2025 9:34 pm
He/Him • Level 13 : Journeyman Collective
I know that karate is a Japanese martial art, but still they’ve been taught it for propaganda and to entertain the higher upper.
01/23/2025 9:30 pm
He/Him • Level 13 : Journeyman Collective
There is one problem, they still didn’t sign the peace treaty for the Korean war
