Dark Knight Skin Contest - Winners Announced!

You will be creating a skin of any character from Batman.
Deadline is Monday, November 16th!
(Will be extended by 1 week if needed.)
• Enter new content, don't remix old skins of yours.
• Follow the theme.
• Post the link to your finished skin here.
1st: 1st place trophy. One skin request.
2nd: 2nd place trophy.
3rd: 3rd place trophy.
Participants: Participant trophy.
*Contact me if you have anything you'd like to add.
Judges (so you know who to bribe)

Creeper_Orangebeard's Black Mask

BatGirl's Alfred

Mursuppa's Merrymaker

500poundsofnothing's Blocky batman (Adam West)

SharkBoi's Batman

_FoxHound_'s Joker Cat - "Why so serious? Lets put a smile on that face."

PureNerd's The Red Hood

KenthriaGaming's Harley Quinn 1.8

Flakko Dzarkan's The Riddler

Frodolulz's James Gordan

Slobodan's Joker

fialle's Batman by Gaslight

HikeFlakes's Nightwing (Grayson)

wdw4's The Ventriloquist

10Andrew's Batman: The Arkham Knight

GC9699's The Riddler

Novo2001's Two Face

Novo2001's Solomong Grundy

MarkTheHunt's Batman 1.8

DestinyStar's Batman

Paint_Bucket's Scarecrow

-ATOM-'s Batman

Zitzabis's Jack in the Box

Axle39's The Joker

rushhour67699's Robin

ZombieXSurvivorXPond's Poison Ivy

taterman88's Nurse Joker

DoctorBuster's The scarecrow

Kill3rCreeper's One Bad Day

ThatCleverChap's Batfleck 1.8

spacegames's Pinguin

Twirl's Batmun

Dino_Derp's Batman Beyond (I think)

KingRex35's Mister Freeze

Pikamoar's Batman

Ample's Red Hood

climatewarrior's Clayface

OreoVal's Poison Ivy

Epic Max's Bane
1st: -ATOM-

2nd: PureNerd

3rd: Paint_Bucket


Awards made by hawkeye245!
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Serious necro posting.


Of course a Batman skin wins.
I'm surprised that I'm surprised that I'm not surprised.
I'm surprised that I'm surprised that I'm not surprised.

Darn so close

Winners announced on the main page!
Top 10
-ATOM-’s Batman (1)
PureNerd’s The Red Hood (2)
Paint_Bucket’s Scarecrow (3)
SharkBoi’s Batman
Epic Max’s Bane
Dino_Derp’s Batman Beyond
taterman88’s Nurse Joker
spacegames’s Pinguin
Ample’s Red Hood
10Andrew’s Batman: The Arkham Knight
PureNerd’s The Red Hood (2)
Paint_Bucket’s Scarecrow (3)
SharkBoi’s Batman
Epic Max’s Bane
Dino_Derp’s Batman Beyond
taterman88’s Nurse Joker
spacegames’s Pinguin
Ample’s Red Hood
10Andrew’s Batman: The Arkham Knight

At least I made it into top 10... Even if it was 10...

Congrats on the win Atom. Well, 5th isn't so bad; I'm actually surprised that I placed above tater's Nurse Joker. GG everyone

No kidding. Who thought dark knight rises was better than the dark knight?
Im jp. Thanx man. GG
Im jp. Thanx man. GG

Oh, I guess I never posted the link

Last day to enter! (there will also be 24 extra hours)
Edit: Time's up!
Edit: Time's up!

Tomorrow will be the last day you are allowed to enter.

here is my freak of nature.
here is my freak of nature.

3 days left.

Why didn't you add me if i may ask ?

http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pin ... -pixelart/
Why didn't you add me if i may ask ?
Why didn't you add me if i may ask ?

5 more days!

Updated the entry list.

I would like it to be extended, as i'm busy all this weekend, and hopefully i'll get enough time to make one

If anybody is making their skin, but feels like they may need the deadline extended by a week, please contact me.

I could use some more time if I'm actually going to enter, yeah.

3 more days!


Awesome contest, I entered.
http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/the ... n-contest/
http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/the ... n-contest/

Posted the skin.

Moved to community challenges.

Any reason why it isn't okay in the skinning category?

It is a contest, and contests belong in community challenges, otherwise the skinning section gets filled up with other stuff that takes away from it's usefulness.


I guess that this fits a community chalenge better. I mean this is a contest held by the community.

gosh darn this skinning block

I'm in

ill join and my skin http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/bat ... n-3083799/

wdw4I thought he was Justice League/SupermanHe is part of Batman.
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