Hello members of PMC! I've just hit 200 subscribers and I've decided to do a little palette skin contest. The skins will be judged by:
1. Myself
2. MusaTheLegend
3. MinecraftXyo
4. IamPetz
5. Dunlan_Willowbo
Palette and example!
Click to reveal

Click to reveal
1st place: Gold trophy for your profile, featured on my profile forever and a skin request from me.
2nd place Silver trophy for your profile, featured on my profile forever.
3rd place Bronze trophy for your profile, for your profile, featured on my profile forever.
2nd place Silver trophy for your profile, featured on my profile forever.
3rd place Bronze trophy for your profile, for your profile, featured on my profile forever.
Click to reveal
Alfy - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/moj ... contest-d/
Ample12 - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/le- ... s-contest/
Party Potato - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dat ... n-contest/
TheGuyz - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/fun ... n-contest/
MinecraftMake - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pal ... n-preview/
gus1234567890 - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/the ... s-contest/
SantiLam - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/rep ... n-contest/
Ample12 - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/le- ... s-contest/
Party Potato - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dat ... n-contest/
TheGuyz - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/fun ... n-contest/
MinecraftMake - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pal ... n-preview/
gus1234567890 - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/the ... s-contest/
SantiLam - http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/rep ... n-contest/
You do not need to use all the colours in the palette but you do need to use the colours in the palette and those only.
There is no theme, try to be creative though! Happy skinning!
25th September - 20th October (2013).
Click to reveal
1. MinecraftMake
2. TheGuyz
3. Ample12
2. TheGuyz
3. Ample12
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I will maybe join if I has time but you should write rules as if you need to use every single color on the palette or the one you want to have and I will get to sleep now so yeah zzzzzzzzz
- DarkySouls
- DarkySouls

Will do!

ill be joining if i like da palette bai sleep time


I'm not the best skinner but I know a good skin when I see one. Anything I can do to get recruited as the third judge?

Nope, you're in

Lol thanks.

Soooo, when we get some entries do we judge after the 20th October?

Yes, if we get entries by then.

Howd mincraftxyo get judge?? He doesnt seem to be quilte the skinner

She says she knows a good skin when she sees one, why?

cause im sure a skinner like you can find some high leveled skinners to judge. they know a lot about shading. all though they want participate and i think minecraftxyo might join ;D

Oh thanks. You're nice aren't you.

i think you would be number one if you join right now xD i think a skinner like you need some experience in these things

What's that supposed to mean? You know, if you know so much about great skinning, why don't you join the contest? Then YOU'LL be the one taking the judgement.
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First, it's "she" not "he."
Secondly, I never said I was the most skilled skinner ever. I said I have a good eye for good, original and creative skins.
Don't assume. Being a lower level than you and having probably less subscribers doesn't make me an absolutely terrible skinner with a bad eye.
Secondly, I never said I was the most skilled skinner ever. I said I have a good eye for good, original and creative skins.
Don't assume. Being a lower level than you and having probably less subscribers doesn't make me an absolutely terrible skinner with a bad eye.

I'm 10/10 joining!


I would like to be a judge please, and if not, Skinners beware for I will win this .....



Sorry. I just hate it when people judge those of a lower level.

Me too, I made a blog about it

calm minecraftxyo its not my contest im just entering xD if youre judge you are what you are nothing else.

Alright... No hard feelings? <3

I'm entering I know i won't but I'm bored


Hey, I'll try!


I'm a little unsure what the palette is.
Could someone show me so I'll be sure?
Could someone show me so I'll be sure?

This is the palette:

You make a skin using these colours and these colours only.

You make a skin using these colours and these colours only.

I'll give it a try


Great skin:)

I gave it a try. Here's my entry (It consists of all palette colors!):
http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pal ... n-preview/
http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/pal ... n-preview/


Great skin!

so im half done with my entry!


Great entries people! Let's keep it up.



Come on people! Keep the entries coming!

Time is ticking away!

Tick tock tick tock.
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