Hey! Names SWANGAZ id like to introduce myselfbuild

SWANGAZ1/16/25 9:15 pm
1/21/2025 9:42 pm
I first stumbled upon PMC when I was 13, back when I was trying to make my own Minecraft server with absolutely no clue what I was doing.
Picture a kid pressing random buttons in a spaceship cockpit—that was me, except the spaceship was a server console, and the only thing taking off was my CPU temperature. I needed help, and PMC quickly became my go-to place for plugins, inspiration, and figuring out why my configs kept breaking.

As I got older, my interest in servers evolved from just “making things work” to truly understanding how they function.
Minecraft stopped being just a game and became a full-on coding dojo, where every bug was a sensei teaching me patience (and every crash was a punch to the gut). I went from simple plugin configurations to diving into Linux, MySQL, and even web development. At this point, I could probably run a small IT department—if the job only required fixing YAML errors and yelling at Java.

One of my biggest passions is the art of server creation and maintenance.
It’s like being a digital blacksmith, hammering out gameplay mechanics, balancing features, and forging an experience players will love. There’s a certain joy in solving problems—whether it’s optimizing a database, automating scripts, or just making sure a Creeper doesn’t delete 10 hours of someone’s progress.
Minecraft isn't just about blocks—it’s about the endless possibilities behind those blocks, and I love every bit of it.

Today, I still use Minecraft as both a creative outlet and a way to sharpen my technical skills.
Whether I’m working on custom plugins, tweaking server settings, or using it to practice coding, the game has become more than just entertainment—it’s a full-fledged training ground.
Looking back, I never would’ve guessed that clicking “Create New World” as a kid would lead to learning real-world business, programming, and server management. But here I am, still pressing buttons, still learning, and still breaking things just to fix them again.

Posted by
Level 5 : Apprentice System

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01/21/2025 9:42 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon Ninja
That's an amazing journey! Minecraft has been a fantastic platform for your growth, both personally and professionally. Your passion for server creation is inspiring. Keep building, learning, and sharing your knowledge with the community! Welcome to PMC!
01/20/2025 3:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
listen, im sorry to say but from my experience people dont socialize like this. and btw welcome:) i hope you like it here
01/18/2025 12:02 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Creeper Architect
Hello there, and welcome to PMC!
01/20/2025 1:26 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice System
Thank you for the welcome!
01/17/2025 4:18 pm
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
I have such a similar story to this. Except I was 19 coming into Minecraft during Beta 1.7.3, I loved playing around in the anarchy server all my friends haunted. It was a small server and I was able to speak with the owner/developer on a daily basis. He kinda drew me into the world of game design. Crash coursed me on linux and how plugins worked. Taught me all the things i needed to know about permissions systems and outside the box solutions to weird problems.

I am now 32 and have now been a part of the minecraft server development community for 13 years! The amount of creativity you will find is absolutely immense. Things we struck off as impossible getting implemented each year. The thrill is amazing and I couldn't be more glad.

It is funny you use space metaphors for your experience with MC, because that is what I am going for these days lol

01/18/2025 5:08 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice System
I love that we should definitely connect sometime!
01/20/2025 12:24 am
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
hit me up on discord yoo @awesome_dante
01/17/2025 2:06 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner

sounds as if you're far more into teh technical side of this than am I, but planty of company in some of the subfora
01/18/2025 5:10 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice System
You know we're all on this planet to share information! I completely feel you on that. The beginning is always rough. I recommend checking out the term dunning Krueger effect! If you ever get interested in learningnthesenthings
01/16/2025 9:18 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice System
What im doing today

