I need help on making a 32x or 64x texture pack.
I just finished making my first texture pack by myself (you can check it out on my profile) and I need help making a 32x or 64x PVP 1.8.9 texture pack as I play bedwars avidly and really like 32x and 64x texture packs. I was wondering if anyone could collab with me? Just on items and swords, I can do blocks by myself as I usually like 16x blocks on higher res texture packs. 32x and 64x texture packs look better with 16x blocks but when you get to 128x I think 32x blocks make sense. Just need some help on making a texture pack in those resolutions.
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USE IT web.blockbench.net/

I want to know how to make a texture pack to
But in android device
But in android device

maybe I can try to help you make some items and maybe the swords in 32x

The problem is that I am not very familiar with how to make textures for pvp, if you give me some examples maybe I can do something

look up Viprah 30k pack and that is basically what I like, also I have a 32x pack I made by myself after hours of trying so i just need help for a 64X

I already reviewed the texture pack, I could try it, please write to my discord "pillite678"