Hey everyone! I'll be requests of a pixel art profile picture for anyone that would like one! Here are some examples of my previous pixely stuff:
Thanks for taking a look!
- FunkyGoblin
Finished ones!
SnookieBookie's Robot:
Dengara's Lizard:
EnderTheYoutuber's Fox:
ToxilFail's Neon guy:
Click to reveal
Thanks for taking a look!
- FunkyGoblin
Finished ones!
SnookieBookie's Robot:
Dengara's Lizard:
EnderTheYoutuber's Fox:
ToxilFail's Neon guy:
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what do you use?
I use paint.net.
41paladinmanThat fine man! Great job, by the way, Your shading is really good!
That's fine man! Great job, by the way. Your shading is really good!
I know this is the fifth request, but if your up for it, could you make me one? It can be anything you want.
Sorry, I don't have time :/ I'm going camping tomorrow wish I could.
Sorta off topic but i love your avatar funkygob, wheres that from? or is it original?
It is from a game that I can't remember, I can't do pixel art that good! xD
Can i have one!? My ign is bullettproof55! Just make my skin! Thanks, those pics are awesome!
Sure! I'd rather PM it to you if that's ok.
I really like your pixel stuff, would you mind making me one of my Icon? My orange lizard, with a nice hood, if you don't mind (And if I didn't dilly too long writing this)?
So you would like me to take your current profile picture and add a hood or redo it with a hood?
More or less, I can't do it in good quality, and I really hate the positioning of mine.
Hey could I have one? Can it be like a robot? Thanks!
Of course! I'll get right to it