PMC Cemetery now hiring! Need someone to make group banner.

Escapazition1/22/25 6:15 pm history
7 emeralds 140 3
1/26/2025 12:34 pm
Papa Enny
After talking about it with the ZappyGru, I decided to make a group for the PMC cemetery. This should make it easier to find communicate about it and find people willing to help. Before the group goes live, however, we need someone to make a profile picture and banner for the group.

-If you want to, you can choose to make only one of these and leave the other for someone else.
-Artists will be mentioned and credited on the group's main page.
-You do not need to join the group to take the commission if you don't intend to.
-There are a number of ways you can get the artwork to us. After you take the commission, we can discuss what method will be most comfortable for you.

If you are willing to do this, please comment in this thread and say which one you would like to do.

We are also looking for people who would like to become "gravediggers", and keep the cemetery up to date with entries and their info. If you want to volunteer, private message me or ZappyGru, and we will send you an invite to the group.

Edit: ZappyGru is working on the profile picture. If you show interest in working on the banner, let us know.
Posted by
Level 28 : Expert Blueberry Scribe

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Papa Enny
01/26/2025 12:34 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
The logo idea for those who would like to try:
A grave with the pmc logo engraved

Background would the whole image of the cementary and the grave profile icon would be one of the graves

I would try to help by the collection of the corpses
01/26/2025 10:26 am
He/Him • Level 32 : Artisan Tuxedo Gentlemen
I could do some sort of render in Mine-imator,
Once my computer gets set up and working... :I
01/22/2025 7:37 pm
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Procrastinator
uhhh... maybe idk
