Queen Isis Graphics ~ Closed for now - Check Status!

LolTurdFerguson's Avatar LolTurdFerguson2/3/13 1:00 pm
1 emeralds 5.5k 399
4/27/2013 9:49 am
Mightywarrior25's Avatar Mightywarrior25
Hello Minecraft Universelings!

My name is Amy, and I am an artist. While my main media is pencils, I have also dabbled in some digital design work. I usually do signatures for forums, as well as clan logos/web elements for different gaming clans. My main areas I worked in was usually the FPS circuit, but I would love to branch out and design some other types of digital pieces.


I am currently working on a texture pack, called HumbleCraft


which is a large collection of already scaled and edited textures (for use in your own creations). This is just a stepping stone, as I really want to create specifically themed texture packs for future use. (Which will be offered as soon as some of my work load is diminished).


I also love to draw original characters (and well known characters, lol) I have drawn many for close friends of mine (my main style of art is line art/shading), and they are happy with the results.


I also have a side job of designing t-shirts for a local screen printing company (mainly focused on college football. I have also designed t-shirts for some MLG gaming clans.


I am looking for work (whether paid or not) and I am mainly looking for experience in this vast, amazing, infinite world.

If you are interested in any of my services, please send me a message. I would love to collaborate!

My DeviantArt address is here (everything is divided into easy to see folders on the left hand side). Click the link below the image to check out my designs.


If you made use of my work, and would like to donate $1.00 towards your requests, it would be greatly appreciated! You can find the donation link below:


2/6/2013 - UPDATE

Hey Guys, I really hate to do this, but I am going to have to implement a red/yellow/green light waiting system. I have been inundated with requests for the next couple of days (I am behind on my work due to computer failure). So please, bear with me.

Here are lights to look out for:

Green is a Go. Everything is A-Ok, Requests will be filled in the order they are received, no delays.

Mellow Yellow. Getting a bit swamped with work, and my projects are backed up. Your orders will be filled as they are received, but please keep in mind that the turnaround time will be longer than originally stated. P.S. Thanks for the patience, have a cookie.

Red's Dead. Command, we have a serious problem here. All requests will be put on a waiting list. All orders will be filled in the order they are received. Please keep in mind that the waiting time has increased (usually with fair warning), and all new requests will have an implemented wait time.

ATTENTION: I have just been informed that the YouTube layout will change in the next coming weeks. For now, I am keeping all Youtube Backgrounds on hold until the changes are made. This will make it a lot easier for both of us. I did NOT forget about those orders though! They are sitting on my desktop, waiting on the new layout to drop.

Until then, if you are in need of a YouTube background, there are plenty of threads in this section that are offering them. If you would like to wait, wonderful! Just give me a heads up.

The new You Tube design will implement a banner and an avatar. THAT IS ALL. There will be no need for backgrounds, as You Tube is going to phase them out.

Thanks a lot for all your patience, and I look forward to working with you!

Posted by LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn

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04/27/2013 9:49 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Mightywarrior25's Avatar
Hello Amy, you might remember me. I would like to request another logo when able. It should have a blue back ground and in print say "Ryan & Cameron" Be creative otherwise!
03/07/2013 11:04 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
NinjaMagii's Avatar
The thing where you are logged into the site, but not the forum IS annoying yes. Just log out of the site and log back in
03/06/2013 8:00 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
In order to sift through all outstanding orders, I need everyone who wanted a graphic, to PLEASE inbox me here with your request.

Due to my absence, and subsequent backlogging of work, it would make it so much easier to know who was still wanting some work done.

Also, I am having trouble logging into my forum account, and it's starting to get on my nerves. 4 different browsers STILL won't log me in. Had to log on from my iphone.

Anyway, shop is closed FOR NOW. I have gotten a few proposals for paid work, and needed to put that ahead of my gratis work. (Not that I am materialistic, but having internet and a roof over my head is pretty much desirable).

Love you guys, and thanks for all the support!

Remember PM me your request!
03/06/2013 4:41 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Hi, my signature is really old and I could use a Tingle themed banner thingy, as long as it fits in the signature's dimentions, I'm cool with any design.
03/06/2013 1:30 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
epic2's Avatar
Could you make me a siggy of some sort? Something to do with the game 'Fez' or TF2. I hope thats a big enough description.
03/06/2013 2:31 am
Level 43 : Master Modder
akvarista11's Avatar
The tread is dead
03/05/2013 2:51 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
NinjaMagii's Avatar
Just wanted to know the status of this thread ?
02/28/2013 7:28 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc908857's Avatar
02/26/2013 11:11 pm
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
_DioM_'s Avatar
LolTurdFergusonNot inactive! Just..put on hiatus until I can catch up on my work. Getting behind with my digital work due to RL family issues, as well as filling paid orders ASAP (I'm broke, starving artist is an understatement).

I know I have been making empty promises, but unfortunately, I cannot change the inconsistencies of life. Sometimes, life really does throw you lemons. Guess it's time for me to get the juicer out. =\

I appreciate the words of encouragement, as well as the feel better notes in my inbox! They mean a lot to me, and it's nice to be able to smile after a really, really hard day.

"Hello, it seems that you´re already flooded with work but when you have the time could you make a banner for my server?
Name: Legendary Lands, faction server, make it however you want"

I saw your request, and noticed it slipped through. Working on it as we speak. Thanks for all your patience and encouragement. It means the world to me.

Alright, I've been thinking.

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad!

I don't want your 'tupid lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager!

Make life rue the day it thought it could give LolTurdFurguson lemons!

Do you know who I am? I'm the artist who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons!
I'm going to to get my nerdy Deviant Art cronies to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
02/25/2013 11:53 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
_Deceiver's Avatar
It's okay, we understand! Hope things get better!
02/25/2013 3:59 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
Not inactive! Just..put on hiatus until I can catch up on my work. Getting behind with my digital work due to RL family issues, as well as filling paid orders ASAP (I'm broke, starving artist is an understatement).

I know I have been making empty promises, but unfortunately, I cannot change the inconsistencies of life. Sometimes, life really does throw you lemons. Guess it's time for me to get the juicer out. =\

I appreciate the words of encouragement, as well as the feel better notes in my inbox! They mean a lot to me, and it's nice to be able to smile after a really, really hard day.

"Hello, it seems that you´re already flooded with work but when you have the time could you make a banner for my server?
Name: Legendary Lands, faction server, make it however you want"

I saw your request, and noticed it slipped through. Working on it as we speak. Thanks for all your patience and encouragement. It means the world to me.
02/25/2013 12:01 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
_Deceiver's Avatar
It seems like this thread is almost inactive now...
02/23/2013 7:23 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
SpeediusMaximus's Avatar
I'm Not Trying To Be Rude Or Anything But I Made A Request On Page 10 And I'm Wondering If Its Done?
02/23/2013 6:32 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Prince
megablaster7's Avatar
Can u make me a YouTube logo?
02/23/2013 5:31 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
NinjaMagii's Avatar
Thread is starting to quiet down! HERE's YOURE CHANCE!
02/20/2013 9:12 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Miner
TheDuckMiner's Avatar

I need a thumbnail for my 250 súbs special (It will come in while but it will probably take a while to make this request)
OK so here it is:

My "little" APP:

Text (optional): 250 Subs Special
Sub-Text (optional): A Day With A DuckMiner
Size: 1920 x 1080
Pictures: (Only the DuckMiner)
Font (dafont.com): http://www.dafont.com/ducky.font
Font color: Yellow
Background: A mix between dark yellow and dark grey
Anything else: Thank you i know you are very busy
02/19/2013 1:50 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
Hearmuffs's Avatar
Happy 1 month PMC'er anniversary Amy! (lol)
02/19/2013 10:18 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar

More coming up..I haven't forgotten about anyone...
02/19/2013 9:53 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
xXSilentMelodiesXx's Avatar
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you SOOOO much XD
02/18/2013 10:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
ExtremeBuilds's Avatar
Do you make banners?
02/18/2013 11:30 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Miner
TheDuckMiner's Avatar
Yes she do
02/17/2013 5:34 pm
Level 28 : Expert Lumberjack
Hi, really sorry about your family member Hope He/She is okay now. I don't want to seem rude or anything but could you make me kind of like a "Minecrafty Artistic" banner for a server called MafiaRealms? If you could have it saying "Join Today", Maybe with a couple guns around the edges. Thank you so much Amy, have an nice day
02/17/2013 2:25 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
xXSilentMelodiesXx's Avatar
hey, if you have the time when mine's done, could you PM me?
02/17/2013 10:08 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc908857's Avatar
02/18/2013 10:13 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
Sent you a message about your skin. Check your inbox.

Everyone else, I'm releasing a ton of work today. Sorry for my absence, but, family first! <3
02/16/2013 5:46 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
xXSilentMelodiesXx's Avatar
I hope your family member is okay.

I do have something to ask for my banner...
could you add a girl somewhere that resembles the skin in my avatar? if you can, thank you, if you cant, I know I'll still love it.

Take however long you want or need.
02/16/2013 4:40 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
Hey guys. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, I'm back! yaaaay! The bad news, is that I was with a family member at the hospital for the past two days. So, I had a family emergency, and didn't have time to update my thread. I would have left a message if I had the time, but in those situations you really don't think about anything like that.

So, since the thread has come to a slow-down, I can probably get all designs finished and uploaded by tomorrow. As I was skimming the thread, I noticed that a lot of the pages are mainly replies. So, the amount of requests in comparison is relatively low.

Anyway, glad to be back, and sorry if I caused any confusion.

02/15/2013 9:12 pm
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
_DioM_'s Avatar
Where are you?

Are you still there?


Click to reveal
Turrets are awesome, by the way. So quotable!
02/21/2013 10:02 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Dangit. Stole my line. But yeh. They are.
02/21/2013 12:42 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
02/22/2013 9:50 am
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
_DioM_'s Avatar

Oh yeah, I forgot to add: while I requested a banner, I'd also like a larger version it, for the server's heading/listing photo. I'd quote my op, but I'm not sure where it is, exactly. Page 25, I think.
02/15/2013 9:09 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Mage
RandomGingerGuy's Avatar
If you ever get bored and want to just do random bits and pieces, I have an opening for an artist on my server/website! Just drop me a message if interested! :3

-Sam/RandomGingerGuy out!
02/15/2013 7:37 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
Builder249's Avatar
02/15/2013 6:10 pm
Level 20 : Expert Skinner
TechnoHD's Avatar
Hi can you make me a avatar? I want it to be like the background a blue color and saying " TechnoHD" and it is a circle.
02/15/2013 3:53 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
NinjaMagii's Avatar
Your thread has seemed to come to a standstill! This is your chance! GO GO GO!
02/14/2013 10:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
xXSilentMelodiesXx's Avatar
xXSilentMelodiesXxHi, sorry for getting annoyed the other day, i just saw you answering other people's questions and that you weren't answering mine. I honestly don't care when I get my request, I don't need it by a certain time

I am SO sorry that I didn't see your reply! I wasn't actively trying to ignore you, I promise! I am human, and I tend to overlook things when I am busy. I want to treat all of the communities requests just as I would treat any other paying customer.

Again, I apologize!

It's alright, I was just having a rough day, no need to apologize
02/14/2013 10:05 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
_Deceiver's Avatar
Hello, I think you may have missed mine, my original post is at the bottom of page 22, and you have said that you are now doing the ones on page 23. Not a big deal, I would just like it done as soon as you can Thank you. Here is my original post:

_DeceiverHello, first of all, amazing work!

I would like to make a request, I want a logo for my company, 'Deception Studios' a purple and black color scheme would be nice. The rest is up to you!

Thank you in advance
02/14/2013 5:03 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
Builder249's Avatar
hey i was someplace else, i was wondering if u had worked on my harry potter texture pack??????
02/14/2013 5:35 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
I'm in the process of it. Right now, textures have kind of been put on the back burner for a little while, until I catch up with both my work here, and my paid commissioned work outside of PMC.

I promise, you will be the FIRST I will message about it, when it goes live.

Speaking of that texture pack..I thin some house color wools would be nice, hrm? Some Gryffindor colors, as well as Slytherin. I can see it now!
02/14/2013 4:13 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
Builder249's Avatar
hey Amy?
02/14/2013 4:29 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar


Announcement: Going out tonight for Valentines Day, so It may be around 9/10pm before I upload (I have limited bandwidth during peak hours, so I try to upload at night time). I am currently at page 23 =]
02/14/2013 2:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
_DioM_'s Avatar
No problem at all. We're thrilled you're willing to do this for us!
02/14/2013 1:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
I'm getting ready to upload some finished designs. Sorry for the wait everyone! I've been working my butt off over here!
02/14/2013 9:59 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
glaava's Avatar
Lolturd please anwser my message i sent you, i need you really hard.
02/14/2013 11:34 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
PM'd you back. I'm online!
02/14/2013 6:16 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Miner
TheDuckMiner's Avatar
You really need to do a timelapse or something to show how you do!
02/14/2013 9:39 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
It's really just a bunch of various layer styles, with about 20-30 different layers. It's all about coordinating the color palette and just moving stuff around until it looks and feels "right". Anyone can do it! I promise.

I would love to do a time lapse for everyone, but I have no idea how to do it. If anyone can PM me some instructions (what programs/etc) that would be fantastic!

More designs coming up...
02/14/2013 4:26 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
Alright guys, I'm super sleepy. I'll be on first thing in the morning! I have some character sketching I need to finish <3
02/14/2013 12:48 am
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
_DioM_'s Avatar
Must .. hit .. refresh..

02/14/2013 1:01 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
LolTurdFerguson's Avatar
Designs are being finished up. Internet decided to crap out for about 2 hours. Lovely. Thanks for everyone's patience. It's been a pretty crazy week.
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