Converted Legacy Event
This event was converted from our old contest and event system into our new jam format for historic preservation. Some details may be confusing in the new jam context.

SOLO EDITION : A Journey Through Time Project Contest
Minecraft Steve's presence came into existence back in 2009, 9 years ago. He stands up to the test of time and effortlessly crosses generations, nationalities, personalities while establishing millions of virtual timelines changing just as many real lives in various ways.
His journey is far from over, new imaginations are picking up where the experienced has laid the foundation. Every mind that controls Steve is an opportunity to create a new world looking back on established techniques and pushing forward to blow your mind. Steve is on a Journey Through Time! You're in control of this timeline. Show us what you got!
TLDR; Build a Minecraft Map that you would title, "A Journey Through Time".
The theme is open to your interpretation and does
NOT need to be about Minecraft's timeline or Steve's journey. If you're really stretching our imaginations, include a description that helps us see how your idea relates to a journey through time.
Official forum thread for contest discussionAre you a Minecraft team or have a group of friends working on one entry? This solo edition is strictly for individuals to provide a fair playing ground. Check out the
TEAM EDITION of this contest!

These rules may change between contests, so please be sure to read them carefully in case they are different from the previous ones! Failure to comply with these rules will result in the disqualification of your submission and/or being banned from the contest entirely.
- Your build must be 100% original content that is not an old creation, whether of yours, your teams or someone else's.
- You must build alone! You are not allowed help from other players. Equally, alone means as a singular person and does not include single entities (build groups).
- 50% or more of the images are unedited in-game screenshots.
- This means NO mod aid. Including shaders and optifine.
- This means NO image editing help such as photoshop.
- A screenshot is only unedited if a moderator could download an official vanilla client and by using the same minecraft settings can replicate the screenshot.
- This is to maintain a reference point and ability to compare renders & edited shots to what it actually looks like in-game.
- You must use the default texture pack. This is a build contest, not a texturing contest. Judges will also be reviewing your builds in the default texture pack.
- Presentation is very important! Add lots of screenshots, come up with written background lore, maybe give some description of your building process and in general take the time to present it to the community and judges and increase your chances of making it to the finalists.
- You may not use any tools that produce an output for you. Building aides are allowed, but don't let a program do the main work for you (3D model converters, Pixel Art Generation, etc).
- Must build in vanilla Minecraft 1.13 or below, snapshots & pre-releases are fine. No mods that add third party content! Judges will also be judging the submissions in vanilla Minecraft. Any foreign blocks will be discarded from the final judging. If the official Minecraft 1.13 launches during the contest, it's fine to use it as not much if anything will change content wise from pre-release.

Where's the starter map?
There is no starter map. Just make sure the map you conceptualize translates the theme, "A Journey Through Time".
Can I enter the Team Edition of this contest by myself?Yes, but you'll be going up against teams. In fact, if you have two unique ideas, you can enter both editions. However, both of your builds need to be original content as the normal rules apply. Your builds must be unique from one another. No reusing parts from your other build!
Can I be a part of a team for the team edition and also enter the solo edition by myself?Yes. Multitasking for the win! If you're that good. XD

During the entry period, entries will be judged by a panel of your Planet Minecraft peers. We'll be assembling a team of individuals to judge; don't worry if there aren't any yet, they will be added soon!
During the first phase, judges will be reviewing builds, disqualifying entries that break the rules and diamonding posts that they like. Remember that judge diamonds are worth a lot! The community is also viewing, diamonding, reporting and influencing which entries will make it into the finalists. Once the build period is up, the contest will enter phase two.
The second phase consists of 5 days of review; the judges will go over the entries and find any missed rule breakers. Everyone will have this time to diamond and view more of the entrants before the site will calculate the finalists.
The final phase involves the judges judging all of the finalists, which are calculated based on an aggregate score of activity and votes.
You will be judged on the following aspects, on a 1-10 inclusive scale:
- Concept & Originality : Fresh, new ideas and crazy concepts! Try to do something new, differentiate yourself from the status quo and show us what you're made of.
- Technique & Execution : Color, shape, texture - be sure your build flows together and represents what you are trying to accomplish.
- Presentation & Experience : Presentation of a build can really help to make an impression. Be sure you've got good screenshots, spend some time on the post!

Step 1: Create a map and have fun!
You have 6 weeks to build! You do not need to immediately post a downloadable map with your submission. You may post it any time before the entry deadline.
Step 2: When you're ready to post, head back to your Minecraft saves folder and zip the map folder. Windows users can right-click and Add To > New Compressed Archive; you may also use a third party program such as WinRAR or 7zip.
Step 3: Go to the Create New Project page on PlanetMinecraft and upload your map as normal! Be sure to take many screenshots to show off the interiors.

1st Place

- Nintendo Switch Console or equivalent value Amazon gift card or Steam Credit. * see details below
- Interviewed by PMC (optional, if you don't want an interview that's fine)
- A Contest Themed, Gold, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
- Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week+.
2nd Place- $60 Amazon Gift Card or Steam Credit. Must have a Steam account to use Steam credit.
- A Contest Themed, Silver, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
- Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week+.
3rd Place- $40 Amazon Gift Card or Steam Credit. Must have a Steam account to use Steam credit.
- Contest Themed, Bronze, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
- Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week+.
Finalists- A special pixel art finalist medal in your profile trophy case
Participants- A special collectible pixel art participant badge in your profile trophy case
* Nintendo Switch Prize Details
Planet Minecraft will contact the winner of the solo edition contest via email from with details on how to claim your prize. Depending on your age and country, the process and source may differ. If we are unable to send you a Nintendo Switch due to country availability, legal reasons or you simply don't want one, we will send a gift card of equivalent value.
Nintendo Switch is a registered trademark of Nintendo which is not affiliated to this contest in anyway.