DavygreatTTV's Avatar
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    • DavygreatTTV's Avatar
      May 6, 2019, 5:42 pm to Public
      Anyone interested in doing a private survival server....

      So myself, as I am sure many of you, is starting to get back into MC. I am remembering the countless hours and days I spend playing this game and wanna get back in. I remember that the best times I had were playing with friends in this game. So I was thinking and thought I would throw an idea out there and see if anyone is interested...

      WHAT: Survival server where multiple players can play vanilla MC together and stream together or post videos about playing on the server and events or various completions that we may have.

      WHY: I miss the late nights of playing with my old MC pals and wanna try and relive the glory days...

      WHO: I don't really care who would wanna do this and I don't just want streamers and Yt's let me just say that. Its not so I can get famous I just enjoy streaming and making videos and it even better doing it along side others and have fun doing it.

      WHEN: This is only an Idea at this point for all I know this will never be more than just an Idea, but if this interests you please tell me your interested I would love to do something like this. If I can get a few people interested I would love to start asap.

      HOW: When (optimistic)/ if (realistic) this idea is something people are interested in doing I would be happy to pay for a hosting site and allow players to use the server. Of course this wont be a server everyone and there mom can join without being accepted.

      Like I said this is purely an Idea if you are the slightest bit intruded by this post encourage you to leave a comment on this post to show interest. PLEASE give me suggestions and ideas to go along with this!

      Voidox said 2019-05-06 19:14:01
      Voidox's Avatar
      Ah yes the good ol days, this seems interesting as h e c c
    • DavygreatTTV's Avatar
      May 5, 2019, 11:30 pm to Public
      Anyone interested in doing a private survival server....

      So myself, as I am sure many of you, is starting to get back into MC. I am remembering the countless hours and days I spend playing this game and wanna get back in. I remember that the best times I had were playing with friends in this game. So I was thinking and thought I would throw an idea out there and see if anyone is interested...

      WHAT: Survival server where multiple players can play vanilla MC together and stream together or post videos about playing on the server and events or various completions that we may have.

      WHY: I miss the late nights of playing with my old MC pals and wanna try and relive the glory days...

      WHO: I don't really care who would wanna do this and I don't just want streamers and Yt's let me just say that. Its not so I can get famous I just enjoy streaming and making videos and it even better doing it along side others and have fun doing it.

      WHEN: This is only an Idea at this point for all I know this will never be more than just an Idea, but if this interests you please tell me your interested I would love to do something like this. If I can get a few people interested I would love to start asap.

      HOW: When (optimistic)/ if (realistic) this idea is something people are interested in doing I would be happy to pay for a hosting site and allow players to use the server. Of course this wont be a server everyone and there mom can join without being accepted.

      Like I said this is purely an Idea if you are the slightest bit intruded by this post encourage you to leave a comment on this post to show interest. PLEASE give me suggestions and ideas to go along with this!

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