I'd like to apply for the architect position.
Name: Thomas.
IGN: tipiciltom1
Skype: (I'll pm you it if I'm accepted.)
Age: I don't understand why this is neccesary.
Leadership skills: I can be quite a good leader when it comes to building and like to make sure everything is done right because I'm a control freak.
Why should I exactly choose you?: I think you should choose me for the roll because I can build fantasy/medieval/gothic type builds which is exactly what you're looking for I believe.
Timezone (situated country): GMT
Building skills: I build medieval and fantasy type houses and mega-builds and have specialised in this type since I made my own server and began to build spawns and houses.
Cooperation skills: I normally co-operate well with others unless they are annoying, full capsing or arguing with another member of the team.
Are you able to take orders?: I can take any order but I normally like to finish a build I've started.
Any extra information: Not really but thank you very much for reading, I think I've come across as quite arrogant in this application but I was just trying to be honest.