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- Stadtpfarrkirche St. Jakob, Villach, Carinthia, Austria3D Art Map5k 3x 9Henry Miller •10/21/20 8:52
- City Gate near the Monastery of the deposition of the Robe, Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map2.9kx 6Henry Miller •9/4/20 9:39
- Tserkov' Il'i Proroka (Church of Elijah the Prophet on Ivanova Hill) Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map2.3k 1x 6Henry Miller •8/20/20 8:33
- Tserkov' Svyatogo Nikolaya (Church of Saint Nicholas), Trading Rows, Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map1.4kx 6Henry Miller •8/14/20 1:49
- Tserkov' Rozhdestva Ioanna Predtechi (Church of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist) Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map2.1kx 5Henry Miller •8/12/20 7:23
- Tserkov' Vsekh Svyatykh - (Church of All Saints) Kremlin, Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map2.1kx 5Henry Miller •8/11/20 7:52
- Monastyr' Kosmy i Damiana (Monastery of Cosmas and Damian on Yarunova Gora), Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map3.4kx 10Henry Miller •8/7/20 10:44
- Smolenskiy Khram (Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God) , Skuchilikha, Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map1.7k 1x 5Henry Miller •8/5/20 12:05
- Uspenskaya Tserkov' (Assumption Church), Suzdal, Russia3D Art Map2.9kx 4Henry Miller •7/24/20 12:16
- Templo de san Felipe neri, el Viejo, Ciudad de Mexico3D Art Map4.1k 3x 4Henry Miller •7/21/20 8:50
- Oberneustädter Kirche, Oberneustadt, Kassel, Hesse, Germany3D Art Map5.8k 1x 11Henry Miller •7/1/20 5:00
- Elisabethkirche, Oberneustadt, Kassel, Hesse, Germany3D Art Map2k 2x 2Henry Miller •6/27/20 4:54
- Unterneustädter Kirche, Unterneustadt, Kassel, Hesse, Germany3D Art Map1.7k 5x 4Henry Miller •6/9/20 9:14
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