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Level 61 High Grandmaster Sweetheart

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    04/05/2024 12:28 pm
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    I mean, you could just rip my custom trees datapack, and replace the placement of the tree structures with a setblock / or fill with dead bushes ^^
    And ofc add a random to that so that not every sapling will turn dead instead of growing
    02/20/2024 4:35 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    13 years man, shit im old ;D
    01/25/2024 4:27 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    imma be real, that sound fun af.
    But the 15 funciton rule is kinda wack, i can make a pack with one mcfunction if i have to, itll just be unreadable to anyone and me after a few days ^^
    Maybe limit lines? Or executions per tick or something that makes more sense ^^
    01/25/2024 4:24 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    yeah u can do it quite easy, i just never got to a good solution on how you get them in there in survival :D
    01/24/2024 2:06 pm
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    A few that are in my backlog:

    More cursed Items:
    more curses, that also give a positive effect to kinda make it worth

    Shulkers in Shulkers:
    Be able to place shulkers in shulkers ;D

    Modify all vanilla structures to be run down and remove villager spawn points, and so on
    01/23/2024 3:44 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    If there is no data in the wolfs nbt, would have to save the colour of the collar to the wolf when its applied by a player.
    Detect the player using a dye on a tamed wolf, raycast to the wolf, and save the colour used in its tags.
    The detection you can do with an advancement (generate here).
    The raycast you can find good tutorials on youtube.
    For the tag, you can just do /tag add ... , or you add an nbt tag to the dog
    01/07/2024 6:46 amhistory
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    i gotta say igtarrs horse ownership.
    That taught me a lot of very cool shit.

    And ofc my own timber physics pack ^^
    01/03/2024 7:25 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    I highly agree with point 4 ^^
    That alone should make your datapack compatible with almost any other pack tbh.
    01/03/2024 7:13 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    no clue, i just tried making something like that in a datapack and its way too complex for what little feature it is ^^
    12/30/2023 5:58 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    you want a plugin for that ^^
    12/30/2023 5:57 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    iirc there is a datapack that lets you do that (without datapack/commands it is impossible tho)
    12/19/2023 10:26 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    tbh i dont like it when mojang just adds "commands" for more complex stuff. I enjoy the challenge of creating something with very limited resources. Cause if i want to make something crazy quite "easily" ill just make a mod ^^
    12/18/2023 2:58 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    ooh I just assumed from you comment, you got it right ^^

    id move the test into another function, and do:

    this function:
    execute as @e[tag=ber] run function new_funciton

    execute as @s[scores={health=11..15} run effect give @s bla
    execute as @s[scores={health=6..10} run effect give @s bla
    execute as @s[scores={health=2..5} run effect give @s bla
    execute as @s[scores={health=1} run effect give @s bla

    that should work (obv replace the bla with effect stuff ^^)

    Honestly if that doesnt work, there may be a problem with something else :D
    12/17/2023 4:23 pm
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    pretty sure @s works with selectors
    12/10/2023 6:04 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    i mean i guess that would work, but i dont rly see the use of that, since youd have to make datapacks dependent on that mod (might as well just make a mod tbh)
    12/09/2023 6:35 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    i mean custom blocks are possible with very little lag:
    But you need a resourcepack for that.
    Changing hitboxes is not possible without using additional entities.
    Basically if there is no option to change something in minecraft ingame, its gonna be very convoluted (if possible) to change that with a datapack.
    My guess is lag wise its best if you try to do what you want to do with resorucepacks and datapacks, that could help you out.
    12/08/2023 9:46 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    strange, you just gave me a heart attack ;D
    But after testing, it works for me (tested with oak log)
    tho you could also just use predicates instead of checking the nbt directly, might have less issues.
    12/08/2023 6:21 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    Issues vscode tells me:

    tick: blessedmode:ApplyEffects should be blessedmode:apply_effects

    stone_mining_effect: stone_mining_effect: heart_particle is not an entity type

    oak_wood_effect: wrong namespace for function called

    load: minecraft.mined:minecraft.stone_with_wooden_pickaxe - idk if thats a 1.19 thing, but that doesnt appear to exist

    kill_mob: missing int in front of force

    golden_apple_effect: wrong namespace for function called

    Also: just semantics, but you dont need to put "true"/"false" in "

    From what i can see, get a code editor that recognizes mcfunction code and youll have less problems ^^
    12/08/2023 6:14 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    im not rly getting what ur exact problem is. Your functions ALL work when executed ingame? with /function?
    Just load and tick functions dont trigger when u enter the world or do /reload?

    If thats the case I have encountered that aswell. I dont rly know why it happens, but re-creating the functions (also the minecraft .jsons) [​deleting them and making new file] if that doesnt work, try making functions with other names and use them.

    Could also be an issue with too many functions running in one tick (altho i doubt thats it)

    If the load funciton runs, but tick doesnt, try scheduling tick from load and dont include it in the tick.json

    If that doesnt help, no clue what the problem is
    12/07/2023 3:18 am
    Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
    imalittlhigh's Avatar
    progressive to worldgen -> Wafflesarebetter

    but like basics in commands is rly hard, since they are in the game for a long time.

    If your friend has any programming experience (even just in theory) id suggest you give them some small task you can do with commands (and maybe in a datapack) and have them work with the sites you mentioned (misode, mcstacker, ...) or google for how to do it to complete the task.
    The google searches will hopefully help your friend understand what different commands do and how to use them.
    Also reading the documentation (altho sometimes shit) of commands is quite helpful imo.

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