Level 11
Journeyman Modder

Ivyman1992 on YouTube

Subscribers: 78
Videos: 90

Hello there! I am Ivyman1992 and I love to play Minecraft. I have been playing since the Nether Update and am exclusive to Bedrock Mobile Edition. My videos display an interest in Let's Plays, Add-ons, Command Blocks, and Redstone. My channel also features several playthroughs of FTB Marketplace maps like Frogblock. Currently, my Let's Play series is called Enjoyable Minecraft (Realismcraft) , where I hope to inspire you to pursue your happiness in Minecraft whatever it may be.

I always upload every Sunday 5pm Central Time and I put out a community post the day before at 5pm Central Time on Saturday ๐Ÿ˜‰

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