Level 1
New Miner

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    12/07/2024 1:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Datapack plan.

    ### **SimpleCitadelCamera** Datapack Blueprint

    The datapack adds security cameras to Minecraft. Players can craft cameras, place them in frames, and connect them to "screens" for real-time display. Each player can only control their own cameras and link them to screens.

    ### Main Features:

    #### 1. **Crafting a Camera**
    Players create cameras using a standard recipe:
    - **4 black concrete** in a "+" shape.
    - **4 redstone** in the corners.
    - **1 tinted glass** in the center.

    **Result**: The player gets **2 cameras** (command block named "Camera").

    #### 2. **Installing a camera**
    - The camera is activated **only if placed in a frame** attached to a block.
    - After installation, the camera receives a unique ID.

    - **Only the player who crafted the camera can see the camera ID.**
    - When installing a camera, its ID is indicated in the chat (for example, "Camera #5").
    - Other players cannot find out the ID of this camera.

    #### 3. **Connecting a camera to a screen**
    - The camera is connected to the "screen" block to transmit an image.
    - The screen is created using the command:
    /trigger create_screen

    After executing the command, the player receives a special block (for example, a carved stone brick named "Screen").

    - Linking the camera to the screen:

    /trigger connect_camera set <camera_id>

    After executing, the command links the nearest "screen" to the specified camera.

    #### 4. **Screen operation**
    - The screen is a block (named "Screen") that displays the image from the camera, if it is connected.
    - The player activates the screen by right-clicking on it.
    - If the screen is connected to a camera, the player switches to spectator mode.
    - If the screen is not connected, the message **"No connected camera."** is displayed in the chat
    - Disabling the screen:
    - Destroying the "screen" block breaks the connection with the camera.
    - To re-bind, use the command `/trigger connect_camera`.

    #### 5. **Viewing from the camera**
    - To spectate, the player uses the command:

    /trigger view_camera set <camera_id>

    - The player switches to the camera's point of view, seeing everything that it "films".

    - The player can only spectate cameras that he himself has installed.

    #### 6. **Controlling cameras via the menu**
    The menu is called by the command:

    /trigger camera_menu

    The following options are displayed in the chat:

    1. **List of available cameras** — shows the ID of all cameras owned by the player.

    2. **Connect camera to screen** — enter the ID of the camera to connect.

    3. **Observe camera** — enter the ID of the camera to switch.

    #### 7. **Features of camera operation**
    - The camera works **only if placed in a frame**.
    - The camera can be active **only if the block on which the frame is located receives a redstone signal** (optional).
    - When the frame or block is destroyed, the camera becomes inactive, and its ID is deleted from the system.

    ### Example of a usage scenario:
    1. **Crafting**: The player creates cameras using an available recipe.
    2. **Installation**: The player places cameras in the desired points, receiving their ID (only he can see them).
    3. **Create Screen**: The player creates a "Screen" block and places it in the base.
    4. **Link**: The player links the screen to the camera via the /trigger connect_camera command.
    5. **Observe**: The player right-clicks on the screen to see the image from the camera.

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