Level 29
Expert Button Pusher

abt me

Image result for one piece manga chopper

don't steal my skins, please and thank you :)

| she / her |
learn about things i like
so i like a lot of things, i mean, we all do ... but either way, i will say what i like!
i like bts a lot! my bias is V, but suga is kind of creeping up the bias wrecker meter
following that, i like music too!
i like art, 8 years strong
i like writing, i've been making stories since i was like 8, lol
i like anime, especially animes like Boku no Hero (BNHA, MHA) or One Piece! but sometimes i fall for romance animes hehe
i like frogs a lot, which is why one of my mc names was fropper(please don't get confused with urban dictionary's definition...froppy was taken ok), and my favorite character in BNHA is tsuyu asui
i like eating a l o t
i like sleeping so much i do it whenever i have a chance haaa
i like games, especially those like Nier Automata!!
i like collecting things, but i don't like collecting so much i horde (i collect things so when they're worth money i can support my family)
i also really like seals and big dogs (malamutes, samoyeds, fat shibas, etc.)
so, those are only a quarter of the things i like..thanks for taking the time reading that, haha

my hobbies
1) art!
2) piano
3) photography
4) creating characters
5) if it counts, daydreaming!
6) following that, creating scenes, characters, etc. so, i guess creativity
7) collecting things, like stuffed animals, toys, pillows, socks, sketchbooks, etc.
8) testing out games, playing games n stuff
9) looking at dogs and their adorable fluffy faces
10) watching youtube and being a dissapointment by procrastinating even procrastination

i'm obsessed with drawing cats somebody stop me
i'm either eating or hungry there's no in between

thanks for visiting my profile!
P E A C E O U T ( :

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Feb 25, 2016Joined PMC
peachiichimMinecraft Name

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