abt me

don't steal my skins, please and thank you :)
| she / her |
so i like a lot of things, i mean, we all do ... but either way, i will say what i like!
i like bts a lot! my bias is V, but suga is kind of creeping up the bias wrecker meter
following that, i like music too!
i like art, 8 years strong
i like writing, i've been making stories since i was like 8, lol
i like anime, especially animes like Boku no Hero (BNHA, MHA) or One Piece! but sometimes i fall for romance animes hehe
i like frogs a lot, which is why one of my mc names was fropper(please don't get confused with urban dictionary's definition...froppy was taken ok), and my favorite character in BNHA is tsuyu asui
i like eating a l o t
i like sleeping so much i do it whenever i have a chance haaa
i like games, especially those like Nier Automata!!
i like collecting things, but i don't like collecting so much i horde (i collect things so when they're worth money i can support my family)
i also really like seals and big dogs (malamutes, samoyeds, fat shibas, etc.)
so, those are only a quarter of the things i like..thanks for taking the time reading that, haha
1) art!
2) piano
3) photography
4) creating characters
5) if it counts, daydreaming!
6) following that, creating scenes, characters, etc. so, i guess creativity
7) collecting things, like stuffed animals, toys, pillows, socks, sketchbooks, etc.
8) testing out games, playing games n stuff
9) looking at dogs and their adorable fluffy faces
10) watching youtube and being a dissapointment by procrastinating even procrastination
i'm obsessed with drawing cats somebody stop me
i'm either eating or hungry there's no in between
thanks for visiting my profile!
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Feb 25, 2016 | Joined PMC |
peachiichim | Minecraft Name |