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    04/25/2017 7:29 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    IGN: Remixer246

    Great server, runs really smooth!
    04/25/2017 4:24 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    How old are you? - 16.

    How much time can you dedicate to the server? - I am able to dedicate about 4-5 hours during weekdays whenever I am dodging work, school etc etc. On the weekends I will probably be able to dedicate a lot more depending on what I have on.

    What's your time zone? - Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), meaning I will be on at different times compared to others.

    What are you experienced in? I am experienced in a lot of things, whether it be server administration or server management, I also have experience in leadership and show maturity when undertaking tasks set.

    Are you able to work around others? - Yes I find I can work a lot better whenever I have other people to give their views on an item. I enjoy working with others to create something bigger! Teamwork is essential whenever running a server so things don't go pear shaped.

    Do you know basic commands? - Indeed I do.

    Do you know how to code and config? (For developer) Config yes, code not so much.

    Show us some builds in the past (For builder) N/A

    What makes your application stand out from the others? - My application stands out due experience in things to do with minecraft and outside of the game. I am mature, never lose my cool (I do swear a bit but, I'm Australian its in my blood!). I always use proper grammar and am able to manage situations better than most other people. I take great initiative and can be a very good leader.

    Any extra information you would like us to know? - I always enjoy a good laugh and am not uptight and I am not extremely strict.

    Whats your discord username (Include the # EG MMoZo#2269) -

    Thank you.
    05/07/2016 8:08 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    I'd be keen, sounds like a great idea,
    12/26/2015 10:31 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Ip or anything?
    12/26/2015 9:50 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    12/23/2015 5:35 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Glad there is a fellow Tasmanian here.
    12/22/2015 5:20 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Ign: Remixer246

    Age: 15

    How long you have played minecraft: For about 5 years.

    Click to reveal
    (Optional. Will have a skype chat for the participants) Skype: rory.eaton

    Things you believe that cannot be joked about: It all depends in what way. . .

    How long do you play on minecraft everyday: About 4-5 hours everyday depending on how I am feeling and whether I want to play anything else.
    12/18/2015 4:56 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Age: 15

    Maturity(1-10): 9.5 (Im not extremely uptight).

    IGN: Remixer246

    Skype: Yes I have it.

    Mic: Yes
    10/23/2015 2:58 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    This guy has a point, I've seen it plenty of times. It never works out.
    10/23/2015 12:06 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    1. IGN: Remixer246
    2. Age: 15.
    3. Favorite Mob?: I would have to go with Pig.
    4. Favorite thing to do in Minecraft?: Play the game without any plugins destroying the gameplay I also love creating working mechanics and playing with a good community.
    10/22/2015 8:15 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    10/22/2015 1:10 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    You have been Accepted, I look forward to seeing you on the server!
    02/13/2015 5:02 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Name: (Can I tell you later? I'd like to keep things like this personal).

    IGN: Remixer246.

    Age: 15.

    Why you should help out: Because I have always wanted to play a Divergent type server and I have a pretty good idea of what the server would need to make it look like the real thing ( Minus a few things though). I loved the books and enjoyed the movie a fair bit as well.

    Skype (under 14): I have already sent you a request.

    If not, any way to contact:

    Read Divergent?: Yes I have also saw the movie.

    How long can you play each day: I have school now so about 2 - 3 hours (May not be at once though).
    Can we trust you: Sure you can!

    Anything else: I'm not really staff on any servers right now I am however helping out a friend with his server.
    01/21/2015 7:11 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Name: ( I will let you know later if I get accepted I prefer to keep it 'private')
    IGN: Remixer246
    Skype: ( I will let you know if I get accepted)
    Age: 15
    Why do you want to join: Because I have been around a few servers looking for survival 'partners' but, I haven't had any success so I am hoping to join with you and whoever else joins!
    Describe yourself: Well I have a bubbly personality Im usually enthusiastic about most things I can also be quite funny at times.
    Would you be able to help make the server: I guess I could it would depend on what is needed.
    Anything else i need to know about you: Im Australian and I love being outdoors when Im not playing minecraft haha!
    01/21/2015 5:34 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    IGN: Remixer246

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Skype Username: I would prefer not to give that out.

    YouTube Channel: I have a channel but, that is just for looking around youtube and subscribing to people.


    What do you think you will bring to the server? - I honestly don't know what I can bring I guess some fun times!

    What are you planning on building? - Im not sure what ever I come up with I may setup my house with a few farms around it and set it up like a farming property.

    When did you start playing minecraft - I started playing minecraft in Beta 1.8 so about 2-3 years ago.

    What are you best at - I would classify my best skill as building I'm not the best at anything else.
    01/21/2015 5:18 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Is there an IP? There isn't one on the website...
    01/20/2015 2:50 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar
    Why do you want to join? I haven't played survival for a while and would love to give it another go and see how far I get.
    How old are you? I am 15.
    Can you act maturely? Yes I can act maturely very well I can also be mature..
    How long have you played Minecraft? 2 - 3 years.
    What other games do you enjoy playing? I enjoy playing a lot of other games there are too many to say all but, I am usually found on Rust, Arma 3, Starmade and Space Engineers.
    Country you currently live in? Australia.
    IGN: Remixer246.
    01/15/2015 10:01 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar

    We have been working quite a bit these past few days optimizing the server and its plugins.
    01/14/2015 8:21 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    Remixer246's Avatar

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