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Level 60 High Grandmaster Skinner

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    08/25/2013 6:34 pm
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    04/05/2013 8:16 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    Personally, I don't "hate" the current terrain generation. It's ok. But I do like the terrain of the old early beta versions. The terrain was smooth and clean, lots of variety between the biomes, and beaches were very nice. Plus, the ocean terrain looked a lot nicer compared to what we have today (smoothed out, nicer looking terrain composed of dirt, compared to today's ocean terrain, which is extremely hilly, and composed of blotches of dirt/sand/clay that hurt your eyes to look at).

    To be honest, I'd love to see something like in "Better World Generation 4"s default terrain. That's how it should look. Keeps the vanilla biomes, but adds lots of variety to the land, and makes everything look nice and neat. Though, I probably won't lose any sleep over it if Mojang decides never to change the terrain, haha.
    04/03/2013 8:41 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    RC2 stands for "Release Candidate 2" I believe. It was a sort of "pre-release" for Minecraft 1.0 (the "full" version of the game).
    03/29/2013 1:14 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    That would be a most likely case. Seems all too perfect of an enchanting room for it to have spawned naturally, even with a mod (the ruins mod could do this, as long as you had a schematic file).
    03/28/2013 6:26 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    Hm....With the given options, I get around 45-60 FPS. 45-50 when I move, and 55-60 when I stand still/stay in a certain range.

    I have no idea what kind of PC setup I have (Well, graphics card, anyways). I'm kind of terrible with hardware stuff, so I know next to nothing about what's great and what's not, haha.
    03/28/2013 6:19 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    I'd probably be playing that other game.....I shudder at the name of it....
    03/28/2013 1:22 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    My favorites:

    1. Legend of Zelda 1 (NES)
    2. Ocarina of Time (N64 version)
    3. Wind Waker
    4. Link to the Past
    5. Majora's Mask

    I like most of the zelda games (haven't played the recent ones), except for the two on the DS. Can't recommend them to anyone, really.
    03/27/2013 4:42 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
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    I think something SIMILAR to the aether could be added, but not exactly how it appears in the mod. The only reason I think this, is because of the nether. We should have a place that's almost the exact opposite.

    I could be wrong, but I believe something like the Aether was planned at one point (read up on the SkyLands). It eventually became "The End" dimension.
    03/26/2013 5:45 pm
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    Let's see here.....

    1. Tree growing on stone blocks
    2. Pack of wolves took down a skeleton, then feasted on his remains (they kept targeting the skeleton long after it had died, so it looked like they were eating the dead skeleton)
    3. Cow suicide by cactus.
    4. Sheep suicide by cactus.
    5. Chicken suicide by lava (it looked at me, then jumped into the lava).
    6.Wolf suicide by falling too far.
    7. Headless zombies (texture pack error. They were limbless too)
    8. A really weird glitch where my body had teleported to some place on the map, but the camera remained fixed on one spot. I could move the camera around, and break blocks, but couldn't move.
    9. Desert Pyramid generated through a village house.
    10. Seeing someone use my Tails skin (weird at first, but I kinda liked the idea that someone used a skin I made)
    03/26/2013 4:32 pm
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    My old PC ran Minecraft (barely) and it used the Windows XP operating system. I never got 100 FPS on maximum settings with it, but it ran the game ok with low settings (Depending on the hardware you have on your XP computer, your playing experience may be better, or worse).
    03/26/2013 4:28 pm
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
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    My worst nightmare dreams are usually after I read a creepypasta or two. I hate horror stuff, yet somehow, I keep winding up reading these stories. Curses!
    03/26/2013 3:27 pm
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    It is because it's your responsibility to read the rules ahead of time. You should know what is acceptable before posting. I guess mods assume you've read the rules already. If you haven't, then that's your problem (not to sound harsh, but that's the way it is on a lot of places).
    03/26/2013 12:12 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
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    You know, I used to have an identity on the other game I came from that was a fox. Makes me wonder if it still exists, or if the staff removed those images, haha.
    03/26/2013 12:09 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
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    Lore, meaning "legend". A sort of myth. That is all that "Herobrine" is. Nothing but a story made up by someone. I believe Notch himself denied the existence of Herobrine, so that alone should be enough proof.

    That all being said, I really would like to see what OryHara has as proof of existence. Would love an explanation and reasoning as to why they believe he exists in the game, but sadly, I feel it isn't going to happen.
    03/25/2013 4:37 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    Sand, gravel, and primed TNT all can move around under the right circumstances. Perhaps you could provide us with a screenshot? I know there used to be a key combination on Macs that would take a screenshot, but I've forgotten it by now, haha.
    03/25/2013 3:47 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    Submission images will load occasionally for me. Most of the time, however, I get broken thumbnails and no images.

    I live in the US in the midwest, near the Lake Michigan area (I don't want to give out what state I live in, sorry).

    EDIT: I'd like to also mention, that the images for avatars, and even some submissions sometimes revert back to previous images (my avatar occasionally reverts back to my "Pokemon Trainer Red" skin preview, instead of a sprite of my skin sitting in a minecraft house like it normally should be).
    03/25/2013 3:06 am
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    Please give some more explanation behind your reasoning. What you have said doesn't make sense to me. The story of Herobrine described him merely as an entity that would stalk the player. It made no reference to him getting vengeance and trying to kill the player; he merely watched the player from a distance, shrouded in fog.

    I'm not saying that you're wrong, exactly, but I want to know how you can link Zombies breaking doors, and the existence of creepers (who have been in the game since the really old days of "SURVIVAL TEST") to "Herobrine's wrath", when the original story does not make him to be a maniacal killer.
    03/24/2013 11:25 pm
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
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    I don't think mine is all that great, haha.I suppose I could type faster if I didn't have to constantly look up.
    03/24/2013 9:46 pm
    Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
    Seth_Reed's Avatar
    Me? Maybe I've rambled on too much, haha. I do that sometimes. Forgive me!

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