How can I make my skin second layer 3d via mods cuz I can't find one that works for bedrock I keep finding java videos and if it was for bedrock most links are expired or removed
From my understanding of the theory of relativity does this sound accurate for anyone who understands the understanding of the universe and space time.
If you go back in time and you prevent ur parents from meeting each other that would create a time paradox which is in theory an alternative timeline where you dont exist but you will exist in the time that you went there because you have a reality of origins which is not the one that you made by changing history. But the problem will be going back to your timeline of origins which I think is theory impossible once you change history and there might be a law of the universe preventing from going back in time for those reasons and i say this because to go back in time we would have to be beings from the 4th dimension because time is the 4th dimension which is a dimension that far superior then that of our 3rd dimension. And as he said, it is possible to go into the future. Let say ou enter the event horizon of a black hole which is so strong with the gravitation pull that ight can't escapes which is the fastest thing that we know and if you can get out of the black hole you would be in the future. Because once you enter the black hole then thr law of physics will not be applied.
But I feel like this is a theorical mathematical equation that we have yet to solve to further understand our universe to an extent of our dimension which I know space,time,reality is what makes our 3rd dimension which mean we are prisoners to time itself considering we don't have the power to go back or forward in time.
I know it counter act with what I started as it's a hypothetical situation and I agree we still need more scientific background for us to use tachyon as a example although the way I used it was for speed nothing more nothing less
The problem is your original basis was working off of relativity physics but your support in this case contradicts that. While hypotheses themselves are unproven, they still require some degree of proven science to back them.
I get you plus we still have little understand about tachyon and they are hypothetical that has yet to been proven to be real. Although I still stay with my original hypothetical statement since I know it's hypothetical and impossible but possible in a hypothetical situation like going to the future.
I know it's hypothetical because nothing passes the speed of light since light has no mass thus it can move freely. But you can also use tachyon in a hypothetical situation.
Tachyons are completely hypothetical and do not work with relativity. Unfortunately anything that would propose a way to break the light speed barrier typically has no real basis that works with our current understanding of physics.
That is true but in the law of thermal dynamic and the 3rd law of Newton there is no such thing as infinite energy within our reality (universe) so ya I would say ur statement is current. Although if you think about it hypothetical there is something that goes faster then the speed of light such as a tachyon (a particle that goes faster then the speed of light) if we where to be made of tachyon particle instead of molecules and atoms we could hypothetical go into the future but not the past as going to the past as u said is impossible which I totally agree with.
You should research into time dilation, when near gravity wells or traveling at near light speeds (technically any speed) time for you will move at a different rate than someone observing you. Unfortunately this only works with time moving forward and as you either enter a very large gravity well (such as a blackhole like in your post) or travel at the speed of light, time stops completely. Keep in mind for mass to travel at light speed would require infinite amounts of energy and blackholes are so dense they break all our understandings of physics which means time traveling backwards is completely impossible even in a theoretical situation.