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Level 39 Artisan Alien

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    01/29/2014 12:51 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Haha thank you so much for the kind words and support! By the way, your english is better than alot of people who were born with english as their first language!
    01/29/2014 12:34 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Haha! Have you seen the new Doctor Who Client Mod trailer and thread! It took me 1 1/2 weeks to totally re-write nearly all the threads and do up all new graphics for them and then another 2 days for the new trailer.

    I just wish I could shown more in the trailer but the things I wanted to show need to be kept secret till they are ready to be revealed.

    Im really excited because content wise we are so close to the first closed alpha testing stage and then a few weeks after that Open Alpha/Open Beta.

    But hey, real minecraft tardis with real bigger on the inside....quite exciting for any MineWhovian I assume
    01/29/2014 11:52 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    I suppose you could call me a Whovian....I have dedicated to years of my life to bulding a whovian experience for minecraft!
    09/25/2013 2:53 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    The iKingsSGC Mod Division (people behind the Doctor Who Client Mod) is currently in the preliminary stages of converting our new plugin suite for the Hogwarts RP Experience server (opening next month) into a whole fully fledged Harry Potter mod called Harry Potters Wizardly World. It will be a half story / half freeplay experience like the Doctor Who Client Mod and will also incorporate several of the systems we have already introduced in the DWCM to the Wizardly World Project

    In fact we already actually have several Harry Potter features hidden as easter eggs in the Doctor Who Client Mod. If you goto my youtube channel you should be able to find one that I unveiled about the Nimbus 2000

    The video is a bit outdated (and grainy due to compression) so there have been many improvements to the Nimbus since (I really should update the video.)

    EDIT: I grabbed the video for you [yt][/yt]
    09/01/2013 9:23 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar

    There ya go.

    That is not the first version of minecraft but it is indeed classic.

    Also OP, you need to be a bit more specific. Do you want the first version of the modern game (the one that became Infdev, INdev, Alpha, Beta and Release) or the first version of the multiplayer test.
    07/24/2013 4:30 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Doctor? Doctor Who?

    *Bows in shame*

    I saw the opening and it had to be done!

    Viva La Gallifrey!
    07/24/2013 2:25 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    During the 6th grade (about 8 years ago) I had strep throat for a period of 7 months. My doctors kept misdiagnosing it as a "head cold" and other such minor things and prescribed endless amounts of Amoxicillin and other Penicillin derived drugs. Well as some of you may know that with strep throat when not diagnosed correctly and given antibiotics for the wrong length of time you will end up creating a "super bug" that becomes harder and harder to kill with common antibiotics.

    After 7 months of me being constantly sick we went to see a Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who told me that my tonsils and adenoids needed to be removed as soon as possible.

    Well, I had the surgery (don't get me started on how the nurse tripped on my IV and nicked a vein) and it was a long recovery period of about 4 months after my surgery before I could even eat anything other than popsicles and mozzerella sticks (shouldn't have had the mozzerella sticks but I loved them and I was home alone fora year at 12 years old with a freezer filled with them....and my throat hated me for it.)

    In the end I have a strong aversion to anything that remotely tastes like vanilla because the liquid throat pain reliever was the most foul of vanilla flavors ever. Also after that whole experience my whole appetite for everything changed, my favorite foods suddenly tasted horrid.

    So yes, lesson of the day regarding tonsils that hurt, tickle, are swollen or feel scratchy.... SEE A DOCTOR, don't end up with one of my many horror stories haha.
    07/04/2013 1:40 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    Minecraft Indev / InfDev for me
    06/04/2013 4:13 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    Hmmm last words last words.

    " **** I'll never get to see the Doctor Who series finale now."

    Or as an alternative....

    "What the hell am I gonna do without TV" presuming there is an after life.

    I have always said If I die and become a ghost I am going to haunt this world until I see the series finales of all my favorite shows. I have alot of time invested in them to just up and die without conclusions!

    Or as another alternative after todays binge texturing for Doctor Who Client Mod and Hogwarts RP Experience.

    " JUST ....ONE.....MORE.... TEXTURE!"
    05/30/2013 1:57 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    I do not know if that was directed towards me, but just incase it was, I never said anything about arguments. I appreciate a good civilized debate.

    I am just trying to lighten the dark mood and volcano nature of this thread with some humor.
    05/30/2013 1:55 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar

    That's actually a very interesting scientific quesiton.
    Sexual orientation is not just about genetics, it's about epigenetics, where DNA is influenced by external factors, in this case, the womb.

    Hmmmm, I just had a flashback to the many times I have re-watched Scrubs on Netflix.... So since if fits the context of that theory I will just leave this here


    Again, trying to lighten the mood before this blows up !
    05/30/2013 1:52 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar

    I love you... so much. *bows to the King* And it wasn't happy feet *maybe? idek* it was "It takes two to make a tango" vw,v cute cute cute book about gay penguins and their adopted egg and ahhhh what are all these gross girly feels? D"X

    Oh thank god! For a second I had thought I watched the ___insert inappropriate word here____ version of Mr Poppers Penguins.....again.
    05/30/2013 1:37 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    Gentopenguin1You are going to think I'm a horrible person for this and I admit this isn't a very nice thing to say but maybe instead of focusing so much on Jewish people Hitler should have let the Jewish be and taken out as many homosexuals as he possibly could I know he also attacked them and put them in concentration camps but he really should have put more effort into it.

    *Ding Ding* Ladies and Gentlemen, we have found ourselves a winner.

    Now I have avoided saying anything on this subject to avoid the nuclear fallout of anyone having a different opinion in America however......Gentopenguin1's comment brought me out of my lurking state solely to comment on this.

    I have to say that in my 20 years of this fleeting life I have never heard anyone from a civilized society condone the genocide of an entire group/miniority of people....well except the Doctor destroying Gallifrey and the Daleks....twice but that is fiction and genocide should stay in fiction. *Cough* Tries to Lighten the Mood *Cough*

    To hear someone in 2013 say that Hitler should have tossed the Jewish people aside and rounded up the gays and thrown them into concentration camps confirm my long standing belief that not only is America (my own country) a so called Civilized democracy the most intolerant country in this age but it also confirms another long standing belief that Americas educational system needs a major tune up.

    *Puts on Brainy Specs*

    "Ok Class, lets open our books to Chapter 13 Paragraph 40 subsection bananas are good"

    Yes so, Hitler and the entire Nazi regime did not just target the Jewish people in the Holocaust. He targeted anyone who was different than what he believed was the perfect human being, this includes gay women and men, Jewish, blacks, Gay Jewish people, or hell, even people attending gay gypsy bar mitzvahs.

    "Class, what did we learn today?"

    That the day that someone in a civilized modern country would suggest that he would have preferred that the Holocaust would have been more targeted to the genocide of gay individuals rather than just the jewish people....and gets the facts wrong....

    Well that is the day that I want to hop into my TYPE 40 TARDIS named sexy that is disguised as a 1950s Police [Public Call] Box and just travel 10 years into the future and move to England where I can gorge myself on fish fingers and custard, wear a bowtie and forget about everything I just read by penguin

    (by the way, there are lots of gay penguins.....good lord Has noone ever seen Happy Feet!)

    And just to clarify, My sole purpose of this post was to lighten the mood of this thread through the use of many doctor who references. Plus who can hate on the gay penguin couple from Happy Feet. Wait...that was not happy feet? Then what kinda movie was I watching!
    05/19/2013 5:15 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    Planet Preview - Is This Trenzalore?

    MAY 19TH, 2013 - THEIKING

    To make up for the recent iKingsSGC Forums downtime and the delay of the previously scheduled iKings Daily Report and Random Development Ramblings Episode 3 I decided to slap this thing together for y'all to enjoy.

    So now the question this Trenzalore? A graveyard planet, a mysterious dark atmosphere, the cloisterbell!

    Did we know about Trenzalore and the conclusion of the Clara mystery months before the episode was aired or does TheiKing just have an open conference call with stephen moffat that was interrupted by faceless beings?!

    iKingsSGC Forums Link: ... lore.2258/

    StargateChannel (YouTube) Video:
    05/11/2013 6:07 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    Yes Indeed I do. I have clocked nearly 245 hours on it which is remarkable considering how busy I am with all my projects!

    Well I suppose when you have a shattered ankle and cannot leave the house you have all the time in the world.
    05/11/2013 11:47 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar

    you messed up the quote

    Yeah, the PMC quoting system is horrific. I have gone ahead and fixed it
    05/11/2013 11:43 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Have you got something wrong with you or something!?!?!?


    Yikes, look at the mess of those quotes lol

    But yes, River shoots the Teselecta with the Doctor faking his own death resolving a fixed point in time without him actually perishing.

    River was arrested for the "murder" of the Doctor and was sent to the Storm Cage.

    However it was revealed in the Angels Take Manhattan that due to Oswin Oswald (future Clara) deleting the Doctor from all records (apparently it wasnt just the daleks databases) that River Song was released from prison because the person she killed did not exist.

    The River Song we seen in Angels Take Manhattan was Professor River Song, one step closer to the Library. However the interesting thing about 'The Name of the Doctor' is that we are going to be seeing a River Song AFTER her death at the Library. So it is quite interesting seeing what Moffat has planned for the finale to tie in with the 50th.

    However, I will say that I hope this finale is not a letdown like his other finales have been.
    05/11/2013 11:36 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    Incorrect, both Moffat and Smith are tied on for season 8 as is Jenna-Luise Coleman this was confirmed months ago however season 8 will most likely be Moffats last year as showrunner and when moffat goes Smith will likely go as well.

    Also, I think you should re-watch season 6 because that revealed all of Rivers mysteries including who she killed. She was arrested because she "Killed" the Doctor at Lake Silencio.

    Because of my shattered ankle and inability to leave the house spent alot of time watching and re-watching Classic and Modern Who episodes for canonical preparation for the Doctor Who Client Mod (we like to be as accurate as possible) as well as canonical books and audio dramas and It is a canonical fact that the 12 regeneration limit was a law imposed by the time lords and is not a biological fact.

    That being said, rumors are just that....rumors. However I spend the time actually getting the facts from official Doctor Who sources such as DWM, BBC Press Releases and then Doctor Who TV which is the #1 source to get all your doctor who news.
    mj1999but matt smith is leaving this year on christmas day, it doesnt mean doctor who is ending yet but it will eventually, ike everything has to end at some point

    Where are you getting your facts from? Because they are highly inaccurate.
    05/11/2013 11:23 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    The Fields of Trenzalor and the Fall of the 11th do not have to be tied to each other. Especially considering that the finale episode leads into the 50th and that there is the christmas special that may also be tied into the "Never the Same Again" storylines that moffat will put in place after the 50th and then lead into the 8th season where it will most likely see the fall of the 11th (matt smith and Steven Moffat leaving)
    05/11/2013 11:21 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
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    Actually, the name of the Episode is just The Name of the Doctor. This does not mean that the name will be revealed. The only thing we know to be revealed is the Doctors greatest secret which could very likely be the reason he has his name hidden but they most likely WILL NOT reveal the name of the Doctor. The Name of the Doctor title is to draw in more viewers for the finale, the name of the Doctor will be revealed without a Doubt to river at some point however we also see a River Song post-library (meaning she survived the library death)

    UnceCrafterCan't The Doctor regenerate like A LOT of

    Sadly, he cannot regenerate after this regeneration, because the Doctor's regenerations are limited so this will be his last,

    Actually no, it has been alluded to over the years in the classic show, Canonical books, and audio dramas that the 12 Regeneration Limit was a law imposed by the time lords as some sort of population control rather than a biological fact.

    Also, if what John Hurt says is true about his character in the upcoming 50th Anniversary then he is a lost regeneration that took place during the time war in between Paul Mcgann and Chris Ecclestone....this would mean that John Hurts Doctor is the real 9th (he wears a costume consisting of elements of Mcgann and Ecclestones doctor costumes) , Ecclestone is the 10th, Tennant is the 11th and Smith is the 12th which throws canon into a tizzy.

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