Blue Lightsaber - Mob Skintober 2020 - Day 8 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Tridents

Blue Lightsaber - Mob Skintober 2020 - Day 8

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Made for OneCord's Mob Skintober event. The theme for day 8 is "Film/Movie".

Just in case anyone reading this doesn't know, lightsabers appear in the Star Wars film series. But I'm assuming everyone or almost everyone here would know that, since it's a very famous franchise. (Also, if you aren't familiar with Star Wars, why are you looking at a lightsaber anyway? Unless you just wanted to know what it was...) Anyway, I found it a bit difficult to make this look good, since in the movies lightsabers are more detailed, but I think it turned out pretty well.

Blue Lightsaber - Mob Skintober 2020 - Day 8 Minecraft Mob Skin

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