Jetfish (Rain World) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Dolphins

Jetfish (Rain World)

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Level 10 : Journeyman System
A jetfish from Rain World! These creatures, while in rain world only help you if you grab onto them and force them to propel you across the water, in Minecraft they will give you a natural speed boost without any of that nonsense!
CreditRain world was published by Adult Swim Games, and later it's dlc was published by Akupara Games. The game and it's DLC were created by Videocult
ModelDolphin (Java)

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09/08/2023 10:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
How do I apply this? I downloaded it and all it is is a PNG of the jetfish with no other files to allow it to be used ingame.
