Piglin Brute w/ Demon Skull Helm Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Piglins

Piglin Brute w/ Demon Skull Helm

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Level 35 : Artisan Fox Loremaster
The Heavies of the Piglin Tribes, Brutes are easily defined by their dark thick clothing and signature gilded manica on their left arm. In ancient times, Brutes would test their strength by hunting Bone Demons, using techniques to shrink the skull and modify it to be worn over the head. Bone Demons were hunted to extinction thanks to the Piglins and ancient Nether Tribe, so the modern helms are used to mark a "Captain" of the Brutes.

Modern Piglin Brutes generally act as the guards of their tribes. However, they are not as fond of travelling like other Piglins, so they hang around their tribe's Bastion.
ModelPiglin (Java & Bedrock 1.16.20)

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