✨Pumpkin Pie✨~ 🥧 (🍂Autumn Leaves🍂 Event Entry) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Cats

✨Pumpkin Pie✨~ 🥧 (🍂Autumn Leaves🍂 Event Entry)

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ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy
Level 41 : Master Kitten
She gazes at the stars in the chilly autumn night, but a shooting star darts across the sky, and signals the crisp autumn dawn to set in.

This is an entry for the 🍂Autumn Leaves🍂 Event.

Pumpkin Pie loves to stargaze and await the crisp autimn morning to arrive. She always strives to make others happy, and is always looking on the bright side. She is high energy, social, and a bookworm. ✨~Always follow the stars.~✨
ResolutionHD 2x

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