Return of Hackey Whacky Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Vindicators

Return of Hackey Whacky

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Guts N Pixels's Avatar Guts N Pixels
Level 57 : Grandmaster Collective
Hackey Whacky is his name,
Chopping n' Lobbing is his fame,
Axes n' Cleavers are his dame,
Run away for it's your bane,
Or you too will be his game...

He has returned, the psychotic axe wielding slayer who dawns a mask of bone, grinning from cheek to cheek with empty black eyes. But this time, he comes with a vengeance, for a victim he almost butchered managed to outsmart the killer. Though it came with a price of amputation from his trusty axe, the survivor managed to barricade Hackey within his Dark Wood Mansion and set it ablaze.

The fire engulfed everything within, but upon inspection of the charcoal debris, there was no body to be found. Now rumors have once again whispered throughout the Dark Forests, that there is a man with an axe, his face melted to smiling bone, and he has built a new fortress deep within...

Behold the original cringey version of Hackey!
Return of Hackey Whacky Minecraft Mob Skin
ResolutionHD 2x

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06/24/2023 1:03 pm
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Vampire Elf
ExtremeGames's Avatar
06/23/2023 1:28 am
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Lemon
InmtheSigma's Avatar
Cool, I'm understand for this
