Smoky Grullo Horse Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Horses

Smoky Grullo Horse

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DaughterOfTheMoon's Avatar DaughterOfTheMoon
Level 55 : Grandmaster Professor Bunny
From the cute horse skins collection!
~by yours trully

dun dilution is the oldest dilution gene in horses, this makes the
overall coat lighter with darker marks named primitive marks. The
primitive marks are: the dorsal stripe, the shoulder blade stripe, zebra
like stripes along the lower legs and the common dark points of the
horse. The gene also give the mane and tail a layer of lighter hairs on
the outside, named frosting.

Smoky Grullo is the name given to a black horse that also has both cream and dun dilutions, so a smoky black with dun marks.

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