The Lotus Flower (Slime) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Slimes

The Lotus Flower (Slime)

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WDGaster2's Avatar WDGaster2
Level 55 : Grandmaster Herobrine
"The lotus flower is revered in Japan for its ability to rise from the dirty, murky waters to bloom into a beautiful pure flower."


I don't know that much about varying platforms of Minecraft, but if you're using Java and want to use this as a prop inside your minecraft house and don't want it actively trying to kill you, you could create a world where "cheats" are allowed. After the world has loaded up you can visit a "command generator" online. One of my preferred generators is MCStacker:

You can use this site and ones like it to customize mobs, blocks, etc. in varying ways that can make your game (depending on what your looking for) either a lot more challenging or simply made to your liking.

Just to make it easy, I'll just put the command here so you can copy and paste it:

/summon slime ~ ~ ~ {Silent:1b,PersistenceRequired:1b,NoAI:1b,Size:0}

The way I have this command set up is that while the slime both can not despawn or attack, it can be killed. This is so that if you don't like its placement you can just kill it and and try placing it someplace else.

To my knowledge, the size of this command can be entered in (ctrl + v) without a command block, but if it doesn't work you may need one after all, which you can get by typing: /give @p command_block 1
ResolutionHD 2x

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08/09/2020 3:07 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
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