"Ursus Spelaeus" the Prehistoric Cave Bear [Mob Skin Contest Entry] Minecraft Skin

This Mob Skin is an entry in the completed Prehistoric Minecraft Mob Skin Contest.

Minecraft Mob Skins / Polar Bears

"Ursus Spelaeus" the Prehistoric Cave Bear [Mob Skin Contest Entry]

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Macrodee's Avatar Macrodee
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Lego Builder
The Cave Bear (Ursus Spelaeus) was a prehistoric species of bear that lived in Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene and became extinct about 24,000 years ago
during the Last Glacial Maximum.

There once lived a fluffy cave bear named "Urcee"
Urcee lived and prospered in the depths of the Taiga Mountains
There he joyfully roamed and wandered
But one day, a huge forest fire crept through the wilderness
This drove Urcee far and beyond
It led him to the icy parts of the overworld
lost but not forgotten, survived, and thrived!
Urcee the Cave Bear was the ancestry of our now known
White Majestic Polar Bears.
ModelPolar Bear

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