Minecraft Mods

[1.21.4] Bedrock Crafter (Build with bedrock!)

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Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
This is a simple mod that allows you to craft bedrock and new building blocks with it. Intended to give a "vanilla-like" feel, besides the fact that bedrock will never be legitimately obtainable in vanilla survival :p

The Fabric version of the mod requires Fabric API.

  • Compact Deepslate and Compact Obsidian (made from 9 deepslate or 9 obsidian; can be crafted back into their base components)
  • Bedrock Chunks (use 9 to craft bedrock; crafted from 8 compact deepslate and 1 compact obsidian)
  • Polished Bedrock
  • Polished Bedrock Bricks + Chiseled Polished Bedrock Bricks
  • Slabs, stairs, and walls for Bedrock, Polished Bedrock, and Polished Bedrock Bricks
  • Bedrock Door / Trapdoor
  • Bedrock Glass / Glass Pane
  • Bedrock Lamp
  • Bedrock Pickaxe (credit to scratchcrafter1 for the idea)
  • 4 advancements
(NOTE: earlier versions of the mod won't have all features)

The compact deepslate and obsidian are inspired by the compressed blocks in the Extra Utilities mod by rwtema, and previously they had extra tiers just like the compressed blocks do (though not as much). I've decided to change how bedrock is obtained in 1.18.2+, requiring less deepslate and obsidian, which should hopefully make for a nicer experience since, while I do want obtaining bedrock to take some time (and it still should, just not as much as before), this mod's intention is still to use it as a building material. I felt maybe I made it take a bit too long previously :p

The new bedrock-based building blocks are unbreakable as you'd expect, and their recipes work just like their vanilla counterparts (some of 1.3.0's new blocks' recipes are a bit different), meaning 4 Bedrock = Polished Bedrock etc. and you can use the stonecutter as well. Bedrock is an amazing material, it allows you to cut and chisel it despite being unbreakable!*

Since they're unbreakable, be careful where you place them!*

*unless you have the right pickaxe

Bedrock Crafter 1.0.0-1.1.3 description/features

-Compact deepslate and obsidian (needed to craft bedrock; inspired by the compressed blocks from the Extra Utilities mod by rwtema. 4 tiers, each crafted with 9 of the previous tier; function as storage blocks (can be crafted back into their base blocks); to craft bedrock, you need 8 quadruple compact deepslate and 1 quadruple compact obsidian. Versions below Minecraft 1.17 use compact stone instead)

-Polished Bedrock

-Polished Bedrock Bricks

-Chiseled Polished Bedrock Bricks

-Slabs, stairs and walls for bedrock, polished bedrock, and polished bedrock bricks

The new bedrock-based blocks' crafting recipes are like their vanilla counterparts; the stonecutter can also be used. They're all unbreakable too, just like bedrock, so be careful where you place them!

If you have any feedback or questions, please comment below or on the CurseForge page:

If you would like source files for the mod or want to report a bug, here's the github and its issues page (please report bugs there, but I don't mind if you comment about one here):
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21

16 Update Logs

Update for Minecraft 1.21.4 : by TheCJBrine 12/05/2024 11:20:16 pmDec 5th, 2024

* Updated the Fabric version for Minecraft 1.21.4

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07/19/2023 12:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I'm glad to see this mod, but the fact that Bedrock items are indestructible makes it completely unusable for me in survival mode. It's a pity.
12/02/2021 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
11/21/2021 9:34 pm
Level 22 : Expert Sus
You should add some kind of bedrock pickaxe so you can break bedrock.
03/14/2023 3:16 pm
He/Him • Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Hey, I know this is a couple years old now, but I finally added the pickaxe :p You can't use it to break into the void or Nether roof, though.
12/01/2021 8:06 pm
He/Him • Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
They're meant to be unbreakable, but I'll consider it. If I do, it may only be for the new blocks. I kinda want them to stay unbreakable though.
