Minecraft Mods

Biome Improvement (Mindthemood's Pile of Rocks

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Level 41 : Master Scribe
Especially in Java Edition, biomes can seem a little barren. Forests have trees, occasional flower patches, and little else. Plains have a similar lack of variety. This (relatively simple) mod aims to change all that, by adding a variety of new details to various environments, while only adding a single new block to the game. Overall, it is intended to be an extremely vanilla-friendly way of improving existing biomes without adding an excess of new features; expect to see plenty of stumps, new and fallen tree variants, and quite a lot of rocks.

Raid Spider Nests for some half-decent prizes in Dark Forests, and check out Giant Bee Nests in plains, birch forests, and flower forests- these structures always contain a rare, Royal Honey block; which grants absorption in increasing duration and potency based on nearby flowering blocks, but cannot be moved from its location. Keep an eye out for Fairy Rings in old forests- if you can spot one, complete these mysterious mushroom circles for a special reward.

For more information on individual features, more images, and more details, check out the Curseforge page!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.1

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by Mindthemoods 10/28/2024 7:55:01 pmOct 28th

  • Fancy new version for Neoforge 1.21.1
  • Slightly rebalanced some features, and condensed redundant features into single, random selection features, which should hopefully reduce lag when generating new chunks.
  • Added some additional variations of common rocks and pebbles.
  • Larger boulders are rarer, and now generate additional smaller rocks around them.
  • Fairy circles should be slightly rarer.
  • Wild veggies now generate properly. Look for potatoes in lush biomes, and beetroot in snowy areas.
  • Wither roses no longer generate in soul sand valleys. (They're unfortunately a bit too valuable...)

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08/28/2022 4:28 pm
She/Her • Level 70 : Legendary Elf Paladin
This is pretty cool! :)
