Minecraft Mods

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Mod

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Luci_Sheep's Avatar Luci_Sheep
Level 56 : Grandmaster Crafter

The mod is still a work in progress, however I got some of the harder to make stands and abilities out of the way. Please ask me what stands you would like to see in the next update (which comes out once a week or faster) and I'll do my best to add them into the mod. (currently all the stands work in PVP)

These are the stand abilities some abilities deal damage to the user to prevent spam.

-Star Platinum
N = Ora! (spammable attack rush)
B = Time Stop (7 seconds)

-The World
N = Muda! (spammable attack rush)
shift + N = Knife
B = Time Stop (11 seconds)
shift + B = Road Roller

-Gold Experience
N = Life Boost (enhanced strength / speed)
shift + N = Create Life
B = Life Sensor

-GER (to get this stand stab yourself with the stand arrow while you have the gold experience stand)
N = More powerful life boost
shift + N = Create Life (spammable)
B = Life Sensor
passive = Regeneration

-King Crimson
shift + N = Jab (a 1 shot against players without armor)
sprint + N = Time Skip
B = Time Erase (10 seconds)

-Killer Queen
N = Set Bomb
shift + N = Remote Detonation
B = Bites The Dust (resets the day but you can only activate it when your hp is less than 5)

-The Hand
N = Remove Block
sprint + N = Air Erase (short teleport)
B = Ultimate Erase (instantly remove anything from existence)

-The Emperor
left click = Shoot
sprint + N = Slide

right click = Swing
sprint + N = Anubis Sense (increased speed and jump force)
(this stand basically is just a strong ass sword)

-Weather Report
sprint + N = Wind Boost
shift + N = Weather Control
N = Lightning Strike
B = Sharp Wind

-Magician's Red
N = Quick Flames
shift + N = Strength Boost
B = Crossfire Hurricane

N = Iron Poisoning
B = Iron Manipulation (invisibility)

-Heirophant Green
N = Emerald Splash
shift + N = Webs
B = 20 Meter Emerald Splash

-Silver Chariot
N = Dash Attack
shift + N = Sword Ejection (deals massive damage to the user but one shots just about everything)
B = Armor Detach (gain increased speed but sets your HP to 1 heart this attack can not kill you if you spam it)

-Sticky Fingers
N = Ari! (spammable attack rush)
B = Place Zipper Block (left click zipper block to zip up)

N = Vola!
shift + N = Bomb
B = Ultimate Sensor

-Tusk Act 4
N = Ora! (spammable attack rush)
shift + N + Nail Bullets
B = Infinite Spin Nail Bullet

-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
sprint + N = Dimension Jump (go to a parallel dimension of come back to the over world)
shift + N = Teleport (wherever you look)
B = Dojyaan (send something to a parallel dimension or back to the over world)
shift + B (while in a parallel dimension and while your hp is less than 25%) = Body Switch (switch places with an alternate version of yourself)

-Crazy Diamond
N = Dora! (spammable rush)
shift + N = Item Reverse
B = Heal

-Purple Haze
N = Virus Punch
shift + N = Rage Mode (allows purple haze to spam virus punch)
B = Ultimate Virus

-Echoes Act 3
N = Onomatopoeia (water)
shift + N - Onomatopoeia (fire)
B = Three Freeze

-Hermit Purple
N = Hermit Grab
shift + N - Hermit Swing
B = Hermit Boost!

Zipper blocks can be closed and opened by Sticky Fingers stand users. While closed, zipper blocks are mostly indestructible and any entities except Sticky Fingers stand users will suffocate inside them and taking 7.5 hearts of damage every tick. While zippers are open any entity can pass through the zipper block and the zipper block can be replaced.

Disclaimer: (there are some bugs) such as the stands don't teleport to you if you're far away from them so just de-activate and re-activate your stand if that happens. This is my first mod so I hope you guys enjoy it!

Big thanks to Johnny Joestar and Nothing But Silence they created the skins for the stands their PMC accounts are linked here:



If you have any questions or feedback or would like to contribute to the creation of the mod please join our discord currently we are 30 strong and would love your help.

CreditJohnny Joestar, Nothing But Silence, TimTamTom, Link, Alex H Jeremy18 and Dio
Progress75% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.14

10 Update Logs

Update #10 : by Luci_Sheep 04/29/2022 10:34:26 pmApr 29th, 2022

I want to create a community of people who can dm me for jojomod stuff easily and discord had lots of problems with creepy people being on it so I want people to be on this instagram account instead

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07/14/2022 1:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
conoob's Avatar
how go vampire ?
05/21/2022 3:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Alrion1's Avatar
Found out that GE's life giver ability can summon star platinum and maybe other stands
01/14/2021 1:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Koichi_Hirose_The_Smoll's Avatar
can this work on MCPE? cuz i rlly want it for mcpe as well
01/11/2021 6:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bumblebee3403's Avatar
You should post this on curse so it will get more known
01/07/2021 2:06 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
p0ck12's Avatar
Could somebody please explain how does Item Reverse works?
02/27/2021 8:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dankankleplank's Avatar
It reverses the durability of the item in your handz
01/06/2021 10:20 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
metamuffins's Avatar
how do you get a stand arrow?
02/27/2021 8:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dankankleplank's Avatar
Creative mode. There are no survival crafting recipies. The only way to get the items, is using the creative mode inventory.
01/04/2021 12:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
nathan22plays's Avatar
where to find the 1.12.2 version of this mod pls can u tell me
02/24/2021 7:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Artem_909's Avatar
i think you should download it from dropbox
