Minecraft Mods

MineStudio 2013 - Automatic installation of mods and more...

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder

What is MineStudio 2013?
MineStudio is a software which features several sections to enhance your Minecraft experience. One major section is called the Mods Section. This contains a list of mods which are updated regularly to include the latest new mods. You can see a image of this below. Apart from this there's several other sections. Here are their names; Backup manager, cleaner, drag and drop installer and several others.

What have development testers said?
Liam Robert Lawton - "I think MineStudio will be the future of installing mods for Minecraft".

Cahen Wheeler - "MineStudio is probably the best and least complicated Minecraft mod installer ever to be made!".

Emily Ashton - "It worked for me when i needed some mods to play with friends".

What are the requirements?
MineStudio requires .NET Framework 4 or higher and a windows OS. To use the on-line features and to login in the first place you are required to have a internet connection.

10 Diamonds

20 Diamonds

30 Diamonds

40 Diamonds

50 Diamonds

100 Diamonds

200 Diamonds (Never going the get here though)

Download Information
MineStudio is packaged in two different variations. One is called Dirt and the other is called Bedrock. To comply with some site regulations i have created the dirt build to suit them rules. However if you don't like limitations, no one can stop you from downloading the Bedrock version which has full functionality. However due to the site i must stress for you to get the dirt version.

To see additional images ect visit the download site.




Download (Link to my website)
Progress70% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.4.7

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by Magnet_man16 02/20/2013 4:44:12 amFeb 20th, 2013

- Changed window title background. Looks slightly better.
- Changed login server. Everyone will need to re-register.
- Added a glitchy offline mode.
- When clicking close on a message there will now be no null exception.
- Added a submission fail to the submission section.
- Tweaked the Suggestion form.
- Changed the mod selection sound.
- The Minecraft cleaner now doenloads a fresh jar from the official website. (Which i didnt know was possible).
- Added the suggestion area for you to suggest mods you would like.
- Added the support for Core mods.
- Fixed the missing .dll
- Email field on the registration form is not longer hidden. My fault :S.
- After registering MineStudio 2013 no longer crashes.
- When the mods list loads sometimes some pixels are black at the side. Not now.
- Seperated into BedRock and Dirt versions.
- When loading the versions will be displayed.
- Improved login, doesnt show if auto login is enabled.
- Added a login to the skin snatcher so it can be nearly fully automated.
- Improved news formatting to enable me to neaten things up.
- Fixed Main menu sections overlapping causing lag when selecting.
- Added a save button to the id list.
- Improved the ID's list and made in clearer.
- Removed glitchy scrolling on ID's List
- The mods sections window title is now correct.
- Made the window border a smaller resolution to speed up loading.
- Fixed Username not being carried around correctly.
- Fixed settings not loading in current settings.
- Improved Mods section with mod click sound.
- Fixed a news loading error.
- Fixed Registration back button taking user to main menu.
- Fixed Skin Snatcher so it returns the message if your not logged into Minecraft.net.

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Endermonarch Durbius
08/14/2013 12:10 pm
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
Oh my gosh why did you have to make this need .NET Framework?! Please make it .NET free. :P
08/15/2013 12:49 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
Many programs use it and install it if its not there. You should have it and to be honest if you dont i dont know why not. Just download it from Microsoft.
Endermonarch Durbius
08/15/2013 1:07 pm
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
I'm not the admin of this computer my mom is
08/15/2013 6:14 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
Then instead of complaining here just ask your "mom" mum.
Endermonarch Durbius
08/16/2013 7:48 pm
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
She tried, it didnt install
08/17/2013 4:42 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
03/26/2013 2:45 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
dude get rid of having to make an account
03/28/2013 12:27 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
What does it say when you register?
03/28/2013 1:17 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
that username is already taken and its every single one i try
03/28/2013 7:15 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
whats your username?
