Minecraft Mods

Modern Warfare themed Hide or Hunt

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Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Hide or Hunt is a gamemode where you build a base, which you need to protect becase if your beacon is destroyed you are on your last life. The objective of the gamemode is to destroy other people's bases and eliminate players. To win the game you need to be the last team standing. At the start of the game there is a peace peiod where you collect resources to make weapons and bases. But this hide or hunt modpack has a twist and that twist is guns. Instead of destroying a beacon to knock-out a base you plant a bomb in the other person's base. I added a hidden names to make the game more hard and a buffed ore generator mod to help with resources. The hidden names mod can be disabled if you find it to hard. The mod Timeless and Classic Guns adds guns that are craftable with vanilla ores and items.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18.1

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