Minecraft Mods

★PiggyPilot! [1.7.2] [Plugin] Pigs Can Fly?★

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Level 48 : Master Pegasus
Pigs are boring. Wait, nevermind, pigs are awesome. But this plugin (which is coming
soon to Single Player!) makes it even more awesome! Pigs can fly!
This plugin requires NO commands at all! There is a bit of configuration, but that
is not necessary.
This plugin is originally by UberTweakstor but updated by me to 1.6.4. Also, he
said he would be making a huge update, and never did, so I did it!

How To Fly The Pig:

There are two kinds of flying now, Kind 1, and Kind 2, they are chosen by the server admin. (Default is kind 1)

Type 1
Step 1: Find a pig.
Step 2: Saddle it.
Step 3: Get a "whip" (carrot on a stick) and jump on!
Step 4: Point "whip" in direction you want to go (preferably up) then click. (Making sure you are holding your "whip")
Step 5: Hold on for the ride!

Type 2

Step 1: Find a pig.
Step 2: Saddle it.
Step 3: Jump on!
Step 4: Point cursor in direction you wish to travel!

Note: On some servers you may have to pay to ride the pig

How to land:

Type 1
Step 1: Point your "whip" at the object you want to land on.
Step 2: Wait for the pig to reach the ground, then right click to hop off.

Type 2
Step 1: Point cursor at ground.
Step 2: Once you reach the ground, hop off.

How to drop TNT:

Step 1: Get TNT
Step 2: Mount your pig.
Step 3: Fly to your drop zone.
Step 4: left click with TNT in your hand.
Step 5: Enjoy the fun!

How to use Machine Gun:

Step 1: Get some arrows (atleast a stack)
Step 2: Mount your gallient steed (or humble pig - either one)
Step 3: Zoom to your enemy, and then press the "SHIFT" key will you have arrows in your hand
Step 4: Enjoy the fun!

The Config:

enabled: false
flycost: 100.0
bombcost: 10.0
free: You have free admission to fly this pig!
speed: 2
updatedelay: 5
mode: 1
BoardingMessage: PiggyPilot (c)2012 John Board
ExitingMessage: PiggyPilot (c)2012 John Board
NeedRodMessage: You need a whip (fishing rod) to mount this pig!
enabled: true
enabled: true
exhaustspawninterval: 100
enabled: true
unlimitedammo: false
firespeed: 5
speed: 5


For allowing access to flying: piggypilot.fly
For allowing access to dropping TNT: piggypilot.tnt
For allowing a player to fly without paying: piggypilot.free
For allowing a player to use a machine gun: piggypilot.machinegun


Since v1.2.5, I have added:

-Changed fishing rod to carrot on a stick because this plugin was last updated during minecraft 1.3.2
-Added type 2 for flying
-Added the machine gun option, and the money option to config
-Added a cost for flying and launching tnt

To Do:

-Make configurable time limit per permissions group for riding a pig
-Make configurable height limit per permissions group for riding a pig
-Make flying piggy races minigame!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

3 Update Logs

v2.3 - Includes v2.2 : by G0dlyCheese 11/20/2013 6:33:29 amNov 20th, 2013

- Added pig names by right clicking the pig after typing /pigname
- Config option to disable flight but keep SuperFast Mode.
- Added superfast mode
- Added a pixelmon compatibility patch to the file. For 1.6.4.
It allows you to fly and go on superfast mode on any Pixelmon. For Pixelmon servers using 1.6.4 and MCPC+ only. Or hosted 1.6.4 pixelmon 2.5.2 by a hosting company.

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12/08/2013 2:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
how do u use the machine gun cause the shift is to get off
01/03/2014 6:12 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
you change the controls .-.
11/30/2013 4:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Death By BACON Power Machine Gun mounted on piglet
11/29/2013 7:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
how do u install it on a instant MC server?
11/19/2013 4:29 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
Piggy division: skyhogs
11/16/2013 6:22 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
11/17/2013 5:45 am
Level 48 : Master Pegasus
On your server's CPU, not a lot.
On your computer's CPU, not a lot.

I have this plugin on my server with custom-coded plugins with 4GB of CPU with around 60 other plugins and it works fine.
11/17/2013 7:26 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
11/12/2013 5:23 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
11/12/2013 5:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
