Minecraft Mods

Potatos made of ores (bedrock)

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Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
This mod adds new potatos and those potatos are made of certain ores all of those potatos give you effects.

Coal potato:

regeneration 5 seconds

Iron potato:

regeneration 5 seconds

Resistance 20 seconds

Copper potato:

haste 5 seconds

Amethyst potato:

regeneration 10 seconds

Gold potato:

regeneration 5 seconds

Emerald potato:

jump boost 15 seconds

regeneration 20 seconds

Lapiz Lazuli potato:

regeneration 30 seconds

resistace 30 seconds

Diamond potato

regeneration 30 seconds

resistance 20 seconds

speed 30 seconds

Redstone potato

regeneration 15 seconds

speed 20 seconds
Progress75% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.3

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