Minecraft Mods

UNU Military Pack

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Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
This mod has the following requirements:

Minecraft Transport Simulator

UNU Parts Pack

Immersive Railroading (Optional)*

Download my other packs!
UNU Civilian - Quality civilian cars, trucks, planes, and trains from UNU!
MTS Air-Cooled Pack - Volkswagens, Corvairs, and other air-cooled cars!
Expanded UNUverse Pack - Vehicles from the UNUverse beyond BlackThorne!
Iconic Film Vehicles - A 2015 Classic

Try the official server!

All Vehicles come in BlackThorne Blue as well as Desert, Forest, and Winter Camouflage.

Vehicle List:
UNU Wolf [​NR-490-LTG]
UNU Mule [​ZF-174-MCG] - Multiple configurations

If you install Immersive Railroading*, you also get a gigantic train gun**.

More vehicles to come!

*If you change the .jar to .zip, then this can be used as an IR resource pack that does not require MTS

**Traingun currently not operational, but I'll be damned if it doesn't strike the fear of god into all who see it.
Progress65% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

3 Update Logs

UNU Military Vehicles [MTS/IV] [IR] 6.0.0 : by Dr_prof_Luigi 11/23/2024 2:12:03 amNov 23rd

6.0.0 - 2024-11-22
+ Added Transmission Support
+ Added V6 Features UNU Wolf
+ Added V6 Features UNU Mule
+ Added V6 Features UNU Mule Halftrack
+ Added UNU Mule Cargo Bed
+ Added UNU Mariner Skins
+ Added UNU Camel Skins
+ Added V6 Features UNU Mule Trailer
+ Added AR-SI-2 (Model by Athena)
+ Added UNU Quail (Model by Cactus)
+ Added UNU Sidewinder Missile (Model by Cactus, json by Laura)
+ Added UNU Sparrow Missile (Model by Cactus, json by Laura)
+ Added UNU Shrike Missile (Model by Cactus, json by Laura)
+ Added UNU Maverick Missile (Model by Cactus, json by Laura)
+ Added UNU Falcon Missile (Model by Cactus, json by Laura)
+ Added UNU Genie Missile (Model by Cactus, json by Laura)
+ Added UNU Mole Skins
+ Added UNU Ordnance Trailers (Empty, Shrike, Sparrow, Sidewinder)
+ Added UNU Mil-Spec Ferret Bumpers
+ Added UNU Reflex Sight
+ Added MkII Stock for UNU AR-SI-2
+ Added MkII Handguard for UNU AR-SI-2
+ Added UNU Burst Fire Modification
+ Added Glovebox storage to vehicles with gloveboxe models (by Laura)
+ Added UNU Mule Turret Bed
- Updated to the UNU Dynamic Storage System
- Tweaked Amphibious Wolf Model
- Added Extra hitboxes to UNU Salmon
- Modified UNU Salmon rear turret to avid MTS bug
- Removed driver's seat on UNU Salmon, replaced with standing seat
- Updated UNU Dingy
- Updated UNU Aurornis
- Updated UNU Navigator
- Updated R-SI-1 (Laura)
- Updated UNU Crow (Laura)
- Removed UNU Cicada
- Renamed UNU Locust items
- Updated UNU Mil-Spec Ferret to be a skin
- Tweaked 0.50 Cal MMG stats
- Tweaked Gun sounds (New fire sound by Athena)
- Added V6 features to UNU R-SI-1
- Updated to UNU V6
- Updated to MTS V22
- Added compatability for custom DKZ Parts
- Tweaked how rim colors are defined
- Fixed UNU Aurornis propellor animations
- Fixed UNU Aurornis side engines protruding
- Updated UNU Aurornis wing logo
- Updated UNU Crow logo

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06/10/2022 10:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
04/05/2022 12:42 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Fortunate Son plays as the last image loads
01/14/2022 4:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
How to get traingun?
10/03/2021 3:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey dude is it me or theres literally guns but no ammo. like everyone other mod pack here. I hope im not doing anything wrong since i really like this mod. :(
