Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Mob Arena v2.0 & b3.0 [1.14-1.14.3]

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Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
If I update the map to a version you don't like, tell me in the comments and i'll send you a link to the version of your choice :) (sorry, no beta versions)

Suggest updates in the comments for future updates.
Report bugs/glitches in the comments

Important Notes (PLEASE READ)

- You may make a map SIMILAR to this but you have to CREDIT me. Thanks :)
- The map may be set to peaceful. Please change it if it is.
- If you spawn in the void, your spawnpoint is set to the map.
- Play in 1.14 to 1.14.3 ONLY. This is required for the functions & commands to work properly.


- Kill mobs to get xp. You will earn absorption strength for a SHORT amount of time for each kill. You will also get instant health.
- Trade with villagers to get items.
- Turn your streak into money
- Turn xp into streak.
- Do not rage (please)
- Have fun
- YT: youtube.com/swagstaryt
- Do not cheat unless you are setting the difficulty.
- You are automatically given haste, so it is 1.8 pvp.
Progress100% complete

7 Update Logs

Beta 3.0 : by Swag6969 05/16/2019 3:34:45 pmMay 16th, 2019

3.0's beta has arrived!

A wave system has been added and will soon be the official game. You can try out the first 10 waves by clicking the download button, but if you want the constant spawning click on 2.0.

Have fun! ~Swag

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11/14/2017 6:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
you might be able to do redstone but the diamond "arena" is terrible and i didnt even want to play it cause of that..
11/14/2017 7:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
sorry about your experience, ill update the map to make it look better (hopefully), your request will come out in ver. 1.1.2, thanks for the feedback :)
