Minecraft Maps / Other

1.16.1 Parkour

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Level 24 : Expert Llama
Hey Hey,

Sorry its taken literal forever to get this map up and running and if anything is wrong please tell me and there will be glitches because i made this on a server then downloaded it.

Thanks to Yeetus15 and MashyedPotato for helping

next map will come out in 3-5 weeks hopefully i have been very busy with school being online and all the things happening right now

Stay safe!

(any updates or problems i have fixed will be posted below)

I originally named this 1.15 - 1.16 parkour but i realized 1.15 wouldn't work. I'm so dumb.


Edit: WAIT! if anyone finishes this map please send me a screen shot or a video! thank you :)
Progress100% complete

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