Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[1.7.2] Prisonbreak [Vanilla Multiplayer Game]

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Level 39 : Artisan System

A version of the popular "Cops vs. Robbers" and "Prisonbreak" games. 

Chuckzee and I watched a video of some guys trying to escape from prison, while their friend played the guard. We loved the idea, and decided to expound upon it with some automation!

Prisonbreak is a multiplayer game requiring 2 or more players to play.

The game is simple - one player enters as the guard, and the other players enter as prisoners. Prisoners must follow the guards orders of making food, stoking the boiler, taking showers, and enjoying quality time in the courtyard. However, the prisoners (working either as a team or on their own) must attempt to ESCAPE

The guard is allowed to stop the players at all costs (even killing the prisoners to send them back to their cells), but we suggest friendly verbal coersion instead of the death penalty. But we'll leave that up to the guard!

The first prisoner to escape through the tunnel outside the prison is the winner! (Just follow the road)




This is a small simple map, complete with cell block spawnpoints, a kitchen with food, courtyard, mess hall, showers, boiler rooms, armory, warden's office, and library (with talking librarian!)

Best when played with 3+ players, especially with voice chat!

Works in vanilla! Just download and play! (make sure commandblocks are turned on!)

And check out Prisonbreak 2 available now!

Check out "A Minecraft Creation" by DoctorsOrders and RemminyCricket
CreditChuckzee, planetminecraft.com/members/chuckzee
Progress100% complete

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09/06/2014 11:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Very amazing! +1 diamond
09/06/2014 11:25 am
Level 39 : Artisan System
Thanks! Just wait till you see what's coming! :D
