Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

A Hero's Journey 2 - Elements of the World

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mage
Adventure throughout the world to defeat Winter and Save the World. Find secrets to upgrade your items and defeat mobs in several parts of the world. Fight multiple bosses and collect items to win.


Long ago there was a world of just Void...
Until one day 4 powerful elements emerged.

They created a wonderful world that flourished with life...
The people and animals that inhabited this new land loved the four elements for providing them with warmth, land, food&water, etc.
Soon other beings emerged from the original elements such as Wind, Heat, ice, etc.
The people all loved the elements except one...

The Element of Winter
Dubbed "Winter" the people despised him for bringing long winters that would kill them, their crops, and livestock. Winter always caused famine and it caused the people to become extremely upset.
Miffed by the people's rage "Winter" retaliated and broke the world into islands and blocked the passage way for the people to reach the other elements. He also put the peoples world into an eternal winter. It was just too dangerous...
All the other elements decided to Seal "Winter" away and used special crystals to hold him back. Thousands of years Winter's power grew and grew...
Your Mission is to collect the four elemental blocks and defeat "Winter" head on to bring back order to the land.

What is in the map
This map includes a custom built terrain featuring the worlds of the four elements. Within these worlds are an assortment of several different mobs that you will have to battle against to make it to the crystals.

Each area gets progressively more difficult so there are custom trades for you to obtain better gear, weapons, and tools. Find secrets within the world to aid you during battle and to upgrade your items. The only way to upgrade your gear is to find secret upgrade items.
After clearing each area you will encounter a boss.

The map is also equipped with a custom resource pack that changes a few items and the music. The map includes several different soundtracks.

It is not required that you play the first map, there may be just some references you may not fully understand.

Map Info & Settings
Render Distance: Min of 11
Graphics: FAST
Texture Pack: ON (Please note that the pack will work even though it says it is for an older version) (Pack Included in Map Download) (You may use any other texture pack just make sure the map pack overlays this one)
Version: 1.12
Estimated Play Time: 1 - 4 hours

It is worth noting that this map can be up to FOUR players. It is recommended you bring a friend or friends for the adventure!

=Tools Used=
Structure Blocks (ig)
World Painter
Nova Skin
OGG File Converter
Minecraft Tools
Minecraft Command Science

Command Creator
Dig Minecraft
Minecraft Armor Stand

Hypixel Forums

Original Map - https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/a-hero-s-journey-adventure-map/
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by craftdiamonds 02/13/2018 5:18:02 pmFeb 13th, 2018

-Added Checkpoints to the bridges
-Added Bridge Directions
-Fixed "ofen" typo
-Fixed Boss Suffocation
-Fixed Looping boss Music

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10/23/2021 9:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nice game, completed this with my family, and really appreciate the effort put into making this game. Thank you to the team for making this!
10/23/2021 3:13 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mage
My pleasure!
06/14/2018 3:31 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
I got to the air section where you jump on the platforms with the jump boost and halfway through there is a checkpoint. I clicked on it but when I died, there is no way to get back the effects! So now I am just stuck on that island.
06/14/2018 5:04 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mage
That's weird hmm
/effect @p minecraft:levitation 25623 250
/effect @p minecraft:jump_boost 32522 30
/effect @p minecraft:speed 145235 4

This should fix it but you will have to do it every time you respawn
