Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Abandoned island

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Level 21 : Expert System
A custom Minecraft island with custom buildings.

Custom buildings: Abandoned house, abandoned mine, animal farm

Landscape made with the program Minecraft Painter
Map works on almost every minecraft version

You needed food and decided to park your boat on an island, on the island you can see a house, with noone inside. You know that all the buildings are very old because of the broken down signs. You find the food you need but decide to stay on the island and investigate for a night. While you were sleeping your boats chain broke and then the boat floated away! Will you survive, or will you meet the same fate as the previous owners?
CreditLandscape painted with mcpaint
Progress100% complete

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05/19/2021 2:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert System
Im sorry for the sandstone beaches, it was an error with minecraftpaint
