Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

AC Origins Temple of Mars

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Level 72 : Legendary Engineer
This is my new and improved version of my www.planetminecraft.com/project/ac-origins-colorfull-roman-temple/ but this ones accurately scaled and has the fancy vestibules in front and the top part of the roman akropolis in cyrene. Its by far the biggest and best temple in cyrene and is the most unique temple in the game second only to the sarapeion of alexandria.
this follows the same scale i used for all of my other origins builds so nothings changed there,

enjoy it you can use it however you like just give me credit for building it.
CreditAssassins creed origins, ubisoft,art station
Progress100% complete

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12/29/2020 5:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hey can you send a messg i have a work for you
03/27/2018 9:22 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Crab
I love your AC Origins builds as I absolutely adore that game. I am currently in the process of building my own ancient Egyptian empire type thing on a server my friend runs, and I'm referencing Origins a lot with the Greek areas, and your builds are helping a lot with that (credit will be given of course).

Keep up the great work my dude! *coughLibrarycough*
03/28/2018 12:08 am
Level 72 : Legendary Engineer
yeah AC origins has some really beautiful buildings in it that are just to good to pass up, im curious to see how your project turns out since the greek areas are some of the most beautiful in the game.and your welcome to use my builds (with credit) since they can be easily modified into 99% of the temples in the game (the cyrene market temple and the temple of zeus are copied and pasted all over the place with different statues and landscaping for example)

but unfortunately the library of alexandria is just to much of a nightmare to try and measure in bayeks so i can scale it right in minecraft so the largest non temple im planning to build is the baths in cyrene once the current mega project is complete...
