Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Advent Map [6] - Pomrim, The Winter World (2k, Java, Bedrock, Survival, Download)

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Level 87 : Elite Wizard Unicorn

Advent Map [6] - Pomrim, The Winter World  (2k, Java, Bedrock, Survival, Download) Minecraft Map


Pomrim is a small island... its 2km by 2km by McMeddon. It's an Island that is "shaped like the number six". A frozen world, under ice and snow arises. Survive between the spruce woods along the snowcovered peeks and the frozen plates in the see. Settle along the little rivers that come down the snowy mountains and set up a fire, because it gets frosty on this map. Custom forests, rivers, sea´s , mountains, plains and oceans await you.

🌍 Discord: discord.stedit.com
► Patreon: www.patreon.com/mcmeddon
►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug2WOSvplSCzXCOGJXJbEA/
► PMC: www.planetminecraft.com/member/mcmeddon/
► Instagram: www.instagram.com/mcmeddon/
► Twitch: www.twitch.tv/mcmeddon

Advent Map [6] - Pomrim, The Winter World  (2k, Java, Bedrock, Survival, Download) Minecraft Map

✅ Download
✅ 2000x2000
✅ Java
✅ Bedrock
✅ 1.14+ Aquatic
✅ Custom new mega taiga tree’s
✅ Custom new foliage
✅ Custom new river systems
✅ Wallpapers
✅ structures or strongholds
X Water Level 52 (Minecraft Default is 62)

Advent Map [6] - Pomrim, The Winter World  (2k, Java, Bedrock, Survival, Download) Minecraft Map

Project-Name: 20201124Dec6_Pomrim

Possible questions:
🞂 Which Programs did you use?
    • Gaea
    • WorldPainter

      🞂 How long did it took to make it?
        ca 5h and 3h+ hours of rendering spread over 3 days in total for all maps it too around 30h to complete

      🞂Did you make those assets?
        Yes, they are enhanced default tree´s and assets i made.

      🞂 What are your plans with these maps?
        These are adventure maps, survival maps, creative maps for you to build, play and explore. For my part, i gain new techniques and experience with every new map, building on that for the next and making map by map better maps.

      🞂 Timelapse? Showcase? Breakdown?
        uploaded, coming soon (follow the yt channel)

      Progress100% complete

      Create an account or sign in to comment.

      12/09/2020 3:10 pm
      Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
      what i don't understand is the fact that you upload these so fast I'm very sus of you but anywase good work
      12/09/2020 4:27 pm
      Level 87 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
      haha.... no u sus!

      tbh the most time intensive point is actually rendering and organizing all the files, pictures and managing the posts as well as playing active on the pmc server aswell making videos, that are coming currently a bit short :x but so far ya...this is a quite busy month
      12/07/2020 1:50 pm
      They/Them • Level 48 : Master Carrot
      Awesome map, good work :)
