Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Airship Fleet (Barnett Farm)

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Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
I started this project as an exercise in building traditional structures. I wasn't comfortable building the town in the Red Tern project where space was more limited, so I decided to practice on a different island. I also wanted to showcase some of the recent things Notch added in terms of planting. The other main element of the fortress and salvage yard is that they deliberately make use of almost all available space. With this one I wanted to leave a little more undeveloped land.

I think it turned out well, although it doesn't have the same vertigo-inducing feel of the fortress or salvage yard. I was trying to make the farm itself feel "comfortable" and fairly old. As if it was being kept up well but had been there for a while. The windmill is a good example of this approach.

I think I managed add in most of what you can grow in Minecraft, although I haven't brought in the Netherwart yet. There is a mushroom cellar off of the hanger.
CreditTexture pack is Dokucraft (continuation project)
Progress100% complete

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01/27/2012 11:31 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
one day are u going to take all your ships and islands and make one epic map?
01/27/2012 3:15 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
Working on that now, actually. I had been holding off because it is harder to export the schematics when they are connected, but it is looking like Minecraft is not going to be updated all that often in the full version.
01/29/2012 12:40 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
so are you going to find or make a skylands map and add your creations in to it? or just put them in a void world?
01/29/2012 2:09 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
It will be a void world until an actual Sky Dimension is released, at which point I would move it over.
12/11/2011 12:58 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
khanaris im asking for your permission to use some of your ships in a port that im going to make i want to have tons of airships normal boats and almost anything else i can get my hands on to make a giant (ill call it shipCon) shipcon.
12/11/2011 2:25 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
Go ahead! Just note down where you got them someplace.
12/11/2011 2:31 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
dont worrry i will
12/01/2011 7:38 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
very nice
12/01/2011 10:45 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
dokucraft :D
12/01/2011 4:38 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
Indeed. Although this one also looks quite nice with Summerfields.
